API Fields

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Data fields in the API

This file describes the fields from the CSV and json export of the products in the Open Food Facts database.

See https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data for more information.

The file encoding is Unicode UTF-8.


The character that separates fields is <tab> (tabulation).


Status 0

This status indicates that the product can not be found { "status_verbose":"product not found", "status":0, "code":"32562641919" }


  • fields that end with _t are dates in the UNIX timestamp format (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970)
  • fields that end with _datetime are dates in the iso8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mn:ssZ
  • fields that end with _tags are comma separated list of tags (e.g. categories_tags is the set of normalized tags computer from the categories field)
  • fields that end with a language 2 letter code (e.g. fr for French) is the set of tags in that language
  • fields that end with _100g correspond to the amount of a nutriment (in g) for 100 g or 100 ml of product

List of fields

See also this page.

general information

  • code : barcode of the product (can be EAN-13 or internal codes for some food stores), for products without a barcode, Open Food Facts assigns a number starting with the 200 reserved prefix
  • url : url of the product page on Open Food Facts
  • creator : contributor who first added the product
  • created_t : date that the product was added (UNIX timestamp format)
  • created_datetime : date that the product was added (iso8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mn:ssZ)
  • last_modified_t : date that the product page was last modified
  • last_modified_datetime
  • product_name : name of the product
  • generic_name
  • quantity : quantity and unit


  • packaging : shape, material
  • packaging_tags
  • brands
  • brands_tags
  • categories
  • categories_tags
  • categories_fr
  • origins : origins of ingredients
  • origins_tags
  • manufacturing_places : places where manufactured or transformed
  • manufacturing_places_tags
  • labels
  • labels_tags
  • labels_fr
  • emb_codes
  • emb_codes_tags
  • first_packaging_code_geo : coordinates corresponding to the first packaging code indicated
  • cities
  • cities_tags
  • purchase_places
  • stores
  • countries : list of countries where the product is sold
  • countries_tags
  • countries_fr


  • ingredients_text
  • traces
  • traces_tags

misc. data

  • serving_size : serving size in g (or ml)
  • no_nutriments : indicates if the nutrition facts are indicated on the food label
  • additives_n : number of food additives
  • additives
  • additives_tags
  • ingredients_from_palm_oil_n
  • ingredients_from_palm_oil
  • ingredients_from_palm_oil_tags
  • ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_n
  • ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil
  • ingredients_that_may_be_from_palm_oil_tags
  • nutrition_grade_fr : nutrition grade ('a' to 'e'). see https://fr.openfoodfacts.org/score-nutritionnel-experimental-france
  • main_category
  • main_category_fr
  • image_url
  • image_small_url

nutrition facts

The nutrition facts are presented by multiple fields per nutrition fact. Each nutrition fact is presented by a key, i.e. "salt", "fat", etc. The fields can also be found in the taxonomy translation file.

The fields can have the following structure:

  • key_value (string) - the standardized value of a serving of 100g (100ml) for type key (eg in json: "salt_100g":"0.19");
  • key_unit (string) - the units used in the other fields (eg in json: "carbohydrates_unit":"g"). Possible values are "kg", "g", "mg, "Āµg", "l", "ml", "%" or "";

key_value and key_unit are what is entered by the user, or passed to the write api, with the "key" and "key_unit" fields.

  • key (string) - the value for the nutrition fact key (eg in json: "fiber":"0.5");

Then "key" is a conversion in the default unit of the field (kJ or g)

  • key_serving (string) - the value of a serving for type key (eg: in json "carbohydrates_serving":"5.82"). The size of the servig is found in the serving field;
  • key_100g (string) - the standardized value of a serving of 100g (100ml) for type key (eg in json: "salt_100g":"0.19");

And "key_serving" "Key_100g" are values for the serving size or 100g. One of them is equal to "key", the other is converted.

  • key_label (string) - a more user friendly text explaining the

Only the nutrition facts that are actually found on the packaging are present in the interface.

The following nutrition keys are supported:

  • energy
  • proteins
  • casein
  • serum-proteins
  • nucleotides
  • carbohydrates
  • sugars
  • sucrose
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • lactose
  • maltose
  • maltodextrins
  • starch
  • polyols
  • fat
  • saturated-fat
  • butyric-acid
  • caproic-acid
  • caprylic-acid
  • capric-acid
  • lauric-acid
  • myristic-acid
  • palmitic-acid
  • stearic-acid
  • arachidic-acid
  • behenic-acid
  • lignoceric-acid
  • cerotic-acid
  • montanic-acid
  • melissic-acid
  • monounsaturated-fat
  • polyunsaturated-fat
  • omega-3-fat
  • alpha-linolenic-acid
  • eicosapentaenoic-acid
  • docosahexaenoic-acid
  • omega-6-fat
  • linoleic-acid
  • arachidonic-acid
  • gamma-linolenic-acid
  • dihomo-gamma-linolenic-acid
  • omega-9-fat
  • oleic-acid
  • elaidic-acid
  • gondoic-acid
  • mead-acid
  • erucic-acid
  • nervonic-acid
  • trans-fat
  • cholesterol
  • fiber
  • sodium
  • alcohol: % vol of alcohol
  • vitamin-a
  • vitamin-d
  • vitamin-e
  • vitamin-k
  • vitamin-c
  • vitamin-b1
  • vitamin-b2
  • vitamin-pp
  • vitamin-b6
  • vitamin-b9
  • vitamin-b12
  • biotin
  • pantothenic-acid
  • silica
  • bicarbonate
  • potassium
  • chloride
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • manganese
  • fluoride
  • selenium
  • chromium
  • molybdenum
  • iodine
  • caffeine
  • taurine

Specific nutrition keys

  • carbon-footprint_100g : carbon footprint (indicated on some products)
  • ph_100g : pH (no unit)
  • cocoa - minimal cacao content of the product in %. Note the TYPO.
  • fruits-vegetables-nuts_100g : % of fruits, vegetables and nuts (excluding potatoes, yams, manioc)
  • nutrition-score-fr_100g : experimental nutrition score derived from the UK FSA score and adapted for the French market (formula defined by the team of Professor Hercberg)
  • nutrition-score-uk_100g : nutrition score defined by the UK Food Standards Administration (FSA)