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This page contains notes regarding the development of the Open Food Facts mobile apps.

The current Open Food Facts apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone use Apache Cordova (previously known as Phonegap).

Installing Cordova on your machine


Installing Cordova 3.6 :

Following notes are for the Windows Platform, but most of it probably applies for Mac or Linux.

Installing Node.js

Install Node.js

Install Git client

Install Cordova

in git-bash client:

  • npm install -g cordova

cordova -v : 3.6.3-0.2.13

  • "error android_home is not set and android command not in your path" when doing "cordova platform add android"

"error failed to run javac -version make sure"

Java JDK


"Error: Failed to run "java -version"

which java --> an old version of java in C:\Windows\System32 was causing the issue.. :-(

Run SDK Manager, install Android build tools.

Android version code

in config.xml :

Install Moodstocks

Instructions pas à jour pour Cordova 3.6 on dirait, par contre il y a un autre example :

public class Demo extends CordovaActivity {

  private boolean scanActivityStarted = false;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Set by <content src="index.html" /> in config.xml

Cordova plugins


2nd scan with Moodstocks:

java.lang.RuntimeException : Unable to start activity ComponentInfo ... The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.

-> Problem with jQuerymobile not "exiting" properly from scan when clicking on "Back" ?

Import on Google Play

  • "You have imported an APK file which is not zip-aligned. Veuillez exécuter un utilitaire d'alignement zipalign sur votre fichier APK, puis le réimporter."

Camera, File, File transfer plugins

cordova plugin add cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer

Firefox OS

May be of interest for future apps