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At least 20 smetanas at Russia OFF fit it.
At least 20 smetanas at Russia OFF fit it.

Russian official standard has "15,0 % to 34,0 %", but that's a problem, because there is a 1 % gap between each of categories. Hence the ",0" was removed.
Russian official standards have "15,0 % to 34,0 %", but that's a problem, because there is a 1 % gap between each of categories. Hence the ",0" was removed.

== de:Saure Sahne ==
== de:Saure Sahne ==

Revision as of 20:15, 15 July 2019

I had a look at the sour creams category. I cleaned the categorisation a bit up. Purpose is to see how we should define categories in the subcategory sour creams.

Name Schmand

In the german market the name Schmand is popular. There are 37 products on 154 July 2019 with the name Schmand. Only a few products specify the ingredients: Sauerrahm and Milchsäurekulturen. Only the descriptions on the products imply that this is a fermented product. Interestingly all these have a fat-percentage of 24%. None of these products is multilingual, so there are no suggestions for translations.

The fr:Crèmes fraîches légères category

This category has 101 products on 15 July 2019, with an average fat percentage of 13.7%. This category has a pretty large spread in fat percentage (0-25%). The products consist of cream an a wide variety of additives, including lactic ferments, which suggest that these are fermented products.

fr:Crèmes fraîches allégées en matière grasse

This category has 79 products on 15 July 2019. It is unclear what sets these products apart from the other categories.

fr:Crème Fraîche d'Isigny

This category has 26 products on 15 July 2019, with an average fat percentage of 39.2% (that is high). The fat percentage makes it the high end of Crèmes fraîches épaisses category. It could be a sub-category of Crèmes fraîches épaisses. The products have ferments lactiques as second ingredient, so they belong to the fermented products category. The category consists only of french products

Category Smetana

This category has 37 products on 14 July 2019, with an average fat percentage of 21.3%. Most products seems to be Schmand (as discussed earlier). If we take the Schmand out we are left with 15 Smetana products. And these have a large range of fat percentage. They are cultured products as they contain a закваска. For the moment I would create a separate Smetana category, but with this large range of fat percentages, they are just soured creams (maybe on the large side of fat).

Category Smetana with 15% to 34% fat

At least 20 smetanas at Russia OFF fit it.

Russian official standards have "15,0 % to 34,0 %", but that's a problem, because there is a 1 % gap between each of categories. Hence the ",0" was removed.

de:Saure Sahne

This category has 17 products on 14 July 2019 and all a fat percentage of 10%. Looks pretty well regulated. The ingredients do not specify anything. Looks like a solid german category.

fr:Crèmes fraîches épaisses

This category has 121 products on 15 July 2019, with an average fat percentage of 31.4%. This category contains products with the word epaisse only in the name or generic name. From an ingredients point of view one sees only two ingredients: creme and ferments lactiques. There are a few multilingual products, which suggests translations like: nl:zure room, de:Sauersahne, es:Nata acidificada

Category:fr:Crèmes fraîches liquides

This category has 78 products on 15 July 2019, with an average fat percentage of 23.5%. This category contains all products with the name (or generic name) creme légère of crème fluide. The word fraîches in the category name does not seem to be relevant. The category consists only of french products. The product consists mainly of cream, but can have added stabilisers, proteins, etc.

fr:Crèmes fleurette

This category has 50 products on 15 july 2019, with an average fat percentage of 27.6%. The energy/fat is similar to the Creme fraiches liquides category. The main ingredient is cream, most have emulsifiers and thickeners added.


The current categories can be more stricter defined, so it is clear what product is assigned to what category. As the assigning will not always be clear to the user, regular checks and cleans should be done.

For the category sour creams, some new categories can de defined: a category cremes fleurette and a category Schmand. There are enough products in these new categories that make this worthwhile. The category Smetana should be reserved to products that are really called Smetana. Mixing products from different countries is dangerous, as the definitions and regulations are not always the same.

The categories Creme Fraiche d’Isigny and the Cremes Fraiches de Bresse (to be defined) can be added as children of Cremes Fraiches Epaisses.

All of these categories have the category Sour Creams as parent. It is unclear if this is correct for all categories. Maybe it is better to make them (all?) children of a new category Fermented Creams. And use the Sour Creams category only for products that are really called as such.