
From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 13:37, 17 September 2020 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (More content)

Open Food Facts covers thousands of labels. This page is the beginning of a documentation related to these labels. If you have knowledge about a label, don't hesitate to create a dedicated page and an entry here.

Labels can be related to many types. We list below some of these types, with few examples.

By default, Open Food Facts can manage any kind of label if it's on the food packaging.


Science based rating labels promoted by Open Food Facts

Rating labels


Quality standards

  • en:ISO 9001
  • en:ISO 22000


There are thousands of labels dealing with the origins. We list here a few examples:

  • en:raised in ... (Scotland, Norway, Ireland, etc.)
  • en:Made in ...
  • en:French eggs
  • ...

Generally, origins labels are precisely defined by local regulations. Example:

Product content

  • en:Omega-3
  • en:High fibres, high fibers, Rich in fiber
  • en:Source of iron
  • en:Vitamin C source
  • [thousands]
  • [...]


  • en:Carbon compensated product, carbon neutral
  • en:FSC, Forest Stewardship Council
  • [...]


  • en:Fair trade
  • en:Max Havelaar
  • ...


  • en:World Beer Awards
  • ...

Religious labels

  • en:Kosher
  • ...