Folksonomy Engine/Uses cases

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 15:42, 9 May 2021 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (Add official websites dealing with product recalls)

What do Folksonomy Engine makes possible? We list here some use cases. These ones are a good way to test how Folksonomy Engine can work.

For the key (property) names, we use the same convention as OpenStreetMap: minus letters with underscores for spaces. Eg. seen_on_tv

Seen on TV (advertising)

What kind of products are most seen on TV? Can we compare these products with the rest of their category? Is it possible to collect those products without barcode?

Proposed keys (properties):

Key (property) Values Description Type Comments
seen_on_tv yes or no Is this product have been seen on TV? No value doesn't mean it can't be yes or no, it's just unknown. closed list (yes or no)
seen_on_tv:date Examples:
  • 2020
  • 2020-01
  • 2020-01/2020-06 for an interval
The date when it has been seen on TV. An interval is a better information, but a fixed date is a good first step. ISO 8601 format Entered manually or by a date picker
seen_on_tv:tv_channels Examples:
  • France: M6
  • UK: BBC1
On what channel? open list TODO: see if we can reuse wikidata TV channels

Recalled products

Listing products recalls can be an interesting service.

Proposed keys (properties):

Key (property) Values Description Type Comments
recalled_product yes, no The product has been recalled or not. No value doesn't mean it can't be yes or no, it's just unknown. closed list (yes or no)
recalled_product:date Examples:
  • 2020
  • 2020-01
  • 2020-01/2020-06 for an interval
The date when it has been recalled. ISO 8601 format Entered manually or by a date picker
recalled_product:comments Any more information can be put here. Eg. the serial numbers of the product. Free text
recalled_product:link Examples: A link to the official source of the recall. link Possibility of many links?

Some official websites dealing with product recalls: