Platform for producers

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 12:21, 20 October 2021 by Alex-off (talk | contribs) (Move roadmap to its own page)

Many producers already publish their data as opendata into Open Food Facts database.

Platform for Producers

Even if the producer has few products, producers should use the free Open Food Facts Platform for Producers:


  1. mass import and/or update products and their pictures in Open Food Facts (via Excel files, CSV, EQUADIS)
  2. compute food indicators such as Nutri-Score, NOVA, Eco-Score
  3. control data before import: data errors are reported; each product page can be simulated
  4. identifies products enhancements: for example, a better Nutri-Score due to a small sugar or salt variation
  5. protect qualified data from modifications (products which passed data quality controls)
Image Feature
mass import and/or update products and their pictures in Open Food Facts (via Excel files, CSV, EQUADIS)

compute food indicators such as Nutri-Score, NOVA, Eco-Score
Presentations are available to explain the platform to producers
Integration with many Product Data Management Systems (PIMs)
identifies products enhancements: for example, a better Nutri-Score due to a small sugar or salt variation

see also Platform for producers - Roadmap

How to help

As an Open Food Facts contributor, you can help to spread the world and contact producers to ask them to publish their products. One of the objectives is to create a "platform within the platform" so that efforts to convince producers can be distributed.

Ready-to-use emails


For detailed explanations about Producer Data policies, see Producers' data