Admin rights

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 13:13, 23 June 2022 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (Add account deletion quick process)

Moderator rights

  • Wipe ingredient list
  • 1 click ingredient edit
  • Delete products
  • Change product barcode
  • Move products to Open Beauty Facts / Open Products Facts
  • Manage images:
    • Move images to another product
    • Delete images
      • image deletion is reserved for images that are not related to Open Food Facts: people, animals, etc.
      • if possible, an image belonging to another product should be moved, and not deleted
      • you should not delete images of the product, even if they are old, of bad quality, partial, etc.
  • See user emails
  • On the producers platform, view/edit products from different users and orgs

Admin rights

Moderator rights +

Further information