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Barcode length
The majority of product codes are following EAN-13 standard, and, as such, are 13 chars length.
As of 2022-04-06, Open Food Facts contains more than 12,000 products (~0.5%) with a barcode longer than 13 chars.
Open Food Facts website can't display a product with a barcode longer than 24 chars.
All things barcode
- Non Standard Barcodes
- Brands to add based on barcode
- Global brands and companies taxonomy: Barcode prefixes for brands are already included
- Global countries taxonomy : Barcode prefixes for countries will be included
- Barcodes/Countries: Map from barcode initials to country or purpose
- Verification/Noteworthy Products#Products with same bar code: List of instances where two or more products have been identified as having the same barcode.
- Wikidata is adding support for GS1 country prefixes
- Features and bugs to work on
- Adding APIs for mobile scanning apps
- Get country suggestions
- Get Manufacturer Code suggestions
- Get Product Code suggestions
- Get barcode API
- Generate barcode SVG
See also
- Barcode Wikipedia page.