Category/Grape juices

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 15:06, 11 March 2023 by Aleene (talk | contribs) (→‎Recipes)


Grape juices consist of the juice extracted from grapes (Vitis). Sometimes the grape variety used for creating the juice is specified.

The grape juices can be split into white grape juices or red grape juices. Grape juices are 100% juice or made from grape juice concentrate.


Required ingredients

  • grape juice or concentrated grape juice;
  • water (in the case of concentrated grape juice);

Optional ingredients



Apricot juices have few labels, the most popular are:

Nutritional values

The nutritional values of apricot juices are:


15 products display a Nutriscore E.

Related categories

For products with other fruits look at Multifruit juices.
