Category/Vegetable based foods

From Open Food Facts wiki

Vegetable based foods are products that are only based on consumable parts of plants.




The subcategories can be grouped by process and number of ingredients:

  • Fresh vegetables - products that underwent minimal processing (peeling, cutting, refrigeration) and mostly have one ingredient (or more for mixed vegetables);
  • Canned vegetables - products that underwent some processing (pre-cooking, additives added for preservation)
  • Prepared vegetables - products that underwent preparation processes (grilling) and have usually few ingredients;
  • Vegetable dishes - products that combine multiple ingredients, but are mainly based on one ingredient (> 50%?). ;
  • Vegetable meals - to be eaten as a main meal (culture dependent?);


Production process/labels

Nutritional information

min 10% 90% max
Energy (kJ/100ml)
Fat (%)
Saturated fat (%)
Carbohydrates (%)
Sugars (%)
Fiber (%)
Proteins (%)
Salt (%)
Fruit (%)
