Global stores taxonomy

From Open Food Facts wiki

See Global taxonomies for instructions.


The stores taxonomy contains a list of locations where products (food products, beauty products, etc.) can be obtained.

Store entries

An entry in the taxonomy describes a single location. The fields used follow the data structure used by OFF Prices and describes a single location:

  • id - a unique identifier (as defined by OFF Prices)
  • osm_id - the corresponding node(only?) in OpenStreetMap
  • name - a long name
  • postcode - the postcode
  • city - the city
  • country - the country tag
  • lat - the latitude
  • lon - the longitude


osm_id: 9815975601
osm_type: NODE
id: 45
osm_name: Biocoop
osm_display_name: "Biocoop, Rue de Tolbiac, Quartier de la Maison-Blanche, Paris 13e Arrondissement, Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolitaine, 75013, France"
osm_address_postcode: 75013
osm_address_city: Paris
osm_address_country: France
osm_lat: 48.8259597
osm_lon: 2.3511541

Open Street Map integration

All locations are linked to Open Street Map (OSM) through the unique OSM id. The link refers to a basic object in SOM:

  • Node - is used to refer to a single location, like BP Service;
  • Way - is used to refer to a building, like IKEA;
  • Relation - is used to refer multiple ways used by the shop, like Carrefour;

Using a Way to designate a shopping location might lead to inconsistencies, like this actual location. Which shop on the street is meant? Using a relation might lead to inconsistencies as well, like this actual location. This can be limited to OSM objects that have the tag shop.

Several of the fields are pulled from OSM (name, postcode, city, country, lat, lon). These need to be regularly updated, so that OSM is followed. Any deleted location should be kept.


The stores taxonomy needs to be regularly updated from the data entered through OFF Prices. This means any changed values and any added entries/


  • We need to associate stores with brands that are sold in thoses stores (Auchan for Auchan…)
  • We should try to add Wikidata relations (and thus OSM ones) whenever possible

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