OBF:Translations/Index page/Swedish
Öppen skönhetsfakta
Last products added:
→ <a href="/state/to-be-completed">products from the mobile app that need to be completed</a>
It is based on <a href="http://world.openfoodfacts.org">Open Food Facts</a> and made by the same team. We are in the process of making changes to take into account the specific aspects of cosmetics. <a href="http://slack.openfoodfacts.org">Join us on our Slack</a> in the
Öppen skönhetsfakta är en produktdatabas för smink tillverkad av allihopa, för allihopa.
You can use it to make better cosmetic choices, and as it is open data, anyone can re-use it for any purpose.
→ <a href="/discover">Learn more about Open Beauty Facts</a>
Open Beauty Facts is a non-profit project developed by thousands of volunteers from around the world. You can start contributing by adding a product from your cosmetic cupboard, and we have lots of exciting projects you can contribute to in many different ways.
→ <a href="/contribute">Learn more about how you can join us</a>
→ <a href="/state/to-be-completed">products from the mobile app that need to be completed</a>