Open Food Facts and Science

From Open Food Facts wiki

Open Food Facts do like to contribute to science.



Dozens of researchers already know or use Open Food Facts data. See:



  • How to help mention Open Food Facts? For example, see the end of this page.
  • Create a DOI?
  • Look at the other article to see how they cite the database

Work In Progree

  • Nature seems to implement a tool for exporting articles in a .ris format (that is readable by most of the citation software : ris on wikipedia)
  • Some articles cite OFF by giving the url in the article :[1], [2]
  • Some cite OFF by giving the name : [3]
  • Some put OFF in citations : [4]

If our objective is to have an easy way to follow the scientific article using OFF, it would be interesting to create a DOI, and propose an easy way to cite the database by offering a way to download the reference in one of the major formats (here are those proposed by google scholar):