Answering questions

From Open Food Facts wiki
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[This page is still in an early draft and a work in progress]

Every week, Open Food Facts is receiving many questions from the general public.

As a contributor, you can join the effort to answer different kind of questions. If you are interested, feel free to ask @Charles Nepote on slack.

Charter for the contributors who answer emails addressed to Open Food Facts

  1. You should always be gentle and stay polite, whatever is the tone of the writer.
  2. You should always stay neutral in regard of products or producers. Open Food Facts is not here to say something is good or bad, but just facts.
  3. You should respect the privacy of the conversation. You're not allowed to forward, or mention emails in a public area, or forward emails to people who are not aware and did not agree with this present charter.
  4. You should not give advices related to health, but try to refers to consensual science-based facts or studies.
  5. If you're not sure about your answer, ask other contributors advices.
  6. You are not allowed to sell anything, be paid for your answers, or use the email addresses for your own purposes (personal or professional purposes).

Using Open Food facts support platform

Some questions deal with the same topic: where can I buy this? can you refund this product? I found an XXX in this product...

There are templated answers that you can use for your answers. If you want to use one, just type "::" in the form, and you'll find a list of templates.