Eco-score labels - en
Eco-score labels (France)
The eco-score document recognises several labels that can imply a bonus. These have been categorised into three groups:
- group 1 (+20 points): Nature & Progrès, Bio Cohérence, Demeter
- group 2 (+15 points): EU Bio, AB Agriculture Biologique
- group 3 (+10 points): HVE, UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, BBC, Label Rouge, ASC, MSC
Based on the list of labels can be found on this site, we map the unlisted labels to the three groups above. The site also lists a comparison table for our easy categorisation.
- group 1: Beter Leven, Bioland, CO2-Neutral, Bio partenaire
- group 2: Biogarantie, Dolphin save, EKO, Naturland, Planet Proof, Soil Association, Sustainably Grown Certified, USDA Organic, Bio Delhaize, Boni Bio
- group 3: Flandria, Friend of the Sea, Responsibly Fresh, Weidemelk
What about equitable labels? Ecocert Fair Trade, Ethical Tea Partnership, Fair for Life, etc.