Moderation Team

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 10:56, 29 January 2020 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (Creation)
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Moderation Team goals is to build and manage the moderation process.

Moderation Team is composed of experienced users.

Moderation rules

For every case you should take care of the whole concerned product: a moderation issue often reveals a completely false product.

If you're not sure a new product matches with a real product, delete the whole product.

The following rules don't apply to the product itself: ex. if a product contains a picture with a face.

1. Product picture with a people face

  • The face is clearly recognizable? => Delete the picture.
  • The face isn't clearly recognizable? => Keep the picture, eventually crop it.

2. Product picture containing both the product and part of a body

  • The part of the body can re-identify somebody? => Delete the picture.
  • The part of the body cannot re-identify somebody (ex. legs) => Keep the picture, eventually crop it.

3. Product picture only shows something not related to a product

  • Delete the picture.

4. Product picture containing parts with obscene or illegal content

  • Delete the picture.

External links, inspirations