Category/Pineapple juices

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Pineapple juices contain pulp and juice from pineapples ([1]). EU legislation requires a minimum of 99% pineapple fraction.


Required ingredients

Optional ingredients

Disallowed ingredients

  • any other fruit

Production process/labels

The most important labels (>10%)

Nutritional information

  • Energy: 154-241 kJ/100ml
  • Fat: < 0.5%
  • Saturated fat: < 0.1%
  • Carbohydrates: 9.3-14.5%
  • Sugars: 8.4-14%
  • Fiber: 0.5%
  • Proteins: 0.2%
  • Salt: < 0.01%
  • Fruit percentage: up to 56%


Nutriscore E for most of the products, unless sweeteners have been used.

Related categories

  • When the product contains less than 99% Pineapple, it can be found under Pineapple nectars.
  • Products with less than 50% pineapple as only fruit can be found under Pineapple-based beverages.
  • Products that contain multiple other fruits can be put under Multifruit nectars of Multifruit juices.
