Local Communities/USTeam/Country Support

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- Dashboard/United States of America

Project for better US support within Open Food Facts


Food categories


Industry labels

Public & Independent labels

Religious labels


Traffic light systems and others

Food Scandals

Product Reports

Consumer Organisations

Consumer_associations#United States

National food companies

Independant brands

Distributor brands

Supermarket chains

Traceability Codes and Origins db

Local databases of interest

  • UNII in the US
  • USDA Branded database (already imported, needs to be refreshed)

Open Food Facts like websites and apps


Communities we can reach out to

  • Facebook groups (local food, slow food, non-GMOs, organic…)
  • Meetups
  • Industry events

Local App Stores

  • Amazon

Open Prices - Access to Information requests (GDPR requests)

As part of Project:Open-Prices, we need price points for products, loads of them.

If you have a fidelity card, you can ask your data, using the GDPR (if you're in a EU country, or using other laws if you're elsewhere). https://wiki.openfoodfacts.org/GDPR_request#UnitedStates

Local Open Food Facts contributor missions

Open Products Facts

Past and present United States issues on GitHub

Data Completion statistics

You can see Data Completion statistics for the US at: https://wiki.openfoodfacts.org/Dashboard/United_States

Get in touch

Slack channel