
From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 13:49, 7 June 2019 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (+ proposed new questions in FAQ)
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Proposed questions

Why this product doesn't have a Nutri-Score?

  • Some products can't have a Nutri-Score:
    • babies food
    • ...
  • Some products can't have a Nutri-Score if their normal dilution is not precised
  • Some products are not complete enough to have a Nutri-Score computed:
    • lack of category
    • lack of nutriments

Why is there sometimes differences between Nutri-Score computed by Open Food Facts and Nutri-Score shown on the packaging?

A: There is three main reasons for that:

  • Sometimes our data are false; you can fix it in less than a minute by filling yourself the correct data
  • Sometimes we lack of data (such as % of fruit, vegetables and nuts or fibers); sometimes the producer has these informations but doesn't put it in its product...
  • Sometimes the producer made a wrong computation.