Folksonomy/Property/nutrition facts:energy

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Revision as of 10:22, 25 July 2023 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (Add "see also" section)
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This tag notes observations on the energy values (kcal- and kJ) of the nutrition table.




The property nutrition_facts:energy is followed by a string. The value of this string can be:

  • kcal_kJ_mismatch - the relation between the kcal- and KJ-value is way off;
  • inaccurate - the number of digits of kcal and KJ have been rounded in such a way (single digits), that the relation between the two values is off;

Products with this tag

List of products with this tag

See also

Folksonomy/Property/ingredients list:multiple: a nearby property related to ingredients.