Category/Leaf teas
The current category Teas should be split in two: one for the liquid variants and one for the dry variants.
The category Teas refers to the dried and processed leaves of Camellia sinensis. This only refers to the Beverage preparation, i.e. one needs to pour hot water over the leaves.
Super categories
We need to create a category Beverage preparations and Beverage preparations for infusions.
The subcategories are define by several axes:
- Tea packaging (leaves/bags/capsules);
- Flavouring (Unflavoured/Flavoured);
- Origin (Sri Lanka) where should this be put in the hierarchy?
- Processing (White/Oolong)
These categories can be ortogonal. Thus is might be possible to have Flavoured decaffeinated Oolong teas in capsules.
Related categories
- Herbal teas unlike the name this does NOT contain leaves of tea.
- Tea-based beverages (this might include brewed teas?)
Required ingredients
Optional ingredients
Disallowed ingredients
Production process/labels
Nutritional information
Probably the leaf teas do not have any associated nutritional values. And if there are any they will be prepared values and in general very small.
The category teas can be monitored with Mirabelle in order to find strange entries and edits.