Global categories taxonomy/FoodexHierarchy

From Open Food Facts wiki
Grains and grain-based products
      Cereals and cereal primary derivatives
            Cereal grains (and cereal-like grains)
                  Mixture of grains
                  Barley and similar-
                        Barley grains
                              Barley grain, pearled
                  Buckwheat and other pseudo-cereals and similar-
                        Amaranth grains
                              Foxtail amaranth grain
                              Red amaranth grains
                              Prince of Wales-feather amaranth grain
                        Kaniwa grain
                        Quinoa grain
                  Maize and similar-
                        Popcorn kernels
                        Teosinte grain
                        Maize grain
                        Indian corn grain
                  Common millet and similar-
                        Common millet grain
                        Black fonio grain
                        Canary grass grain
                        Finger millet grain
                              African millet grain
                        Foxtail millet grain
                        Job's tears grain
                        Little millet grain
                        Pearl millet grain
                        Teff grain
                        White fonio grain
                        Barnyard millet
                  Oat and similar-
                        Oat grain
                        Oat grain, red
                  Rice and similar-
                        Rice grain
                              Rice grain, brown
                              Rice grain, long-grain
                              Rice grain, mixed
                              Rice grain, red
                              Rice grain, polished
                              Rice grain, parboiled
                              Rice grain, glutinous
                        African rice grain
                        Hybrid NericaÂź
                        Indian rice grain
                  Rye and similar-
                        Rye grain
                  Sorghum and similar-
                        Sorghum grain
                              Durra grain
                        Sudan grass grain
                        Other species of genus Sorghum, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Cereals and cereal-like grains not separately listed
                  Wheat and similar-
                        Common wheat grain
                        Durum wheat grain
                              Emmer wheat grain
                              Khorasan wheat grain
                        Einkorn wheat grain
                        Spelt grain
                        Triticale grain
                        Other species of genus Triticum, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Other cereals
            Cereal and cereal-like flours
                  Flour mix (like wheat/rye/barley/oats and other)
                  Amaranth flour
                  Barley flour
                  Buckwheat flour
                  Maize, milled
                        Maize flour
                        Maize meal
                  Millet flour
                  Oat flour
                  Rice flour
                  Rye flour
                        Rye flour, light
                        Rye flour, medium
                        Rye flour, wholemeal
                        Rye flour, gluten free
                  Sorghum flour
                  Spelt flour
                        Spelt flour, light
                        Spelt flour, medium
                        Spelt flour, wholemeal
                  Wheat flour
                        Wheat flour white
                        Graham flour
                        Wheat flour, brown
                        Wheat wholemeal flour
                        Wheat flour, durum
                        Chapatti flour
                  Cereal and cereal-like flours not separately listed
                  Barley groats
                  Buckwheat groats
                  Millet groats
                  Oat groats
                  Rye groats
                  Wheat groats
                  Maize semolina
                  Wheat semolina
                  Rice semolina
            Cereal bran
                  Oat bran
                  Rye bran
                  Wheat bran
                  Rice bran
            Cereal germ
                  Maize germ
                  Wheat germ
      Bread and similar products
            Leavened bread and similar
                  Wheat bread and rolls
                        Wheat bread and rolls, white (refined flour)
                              Wheat bread and rolls, white with maize
                              Wheat bread and rolls, white with potato
                              Wheat bread and rolls, white with rice
                              Wheat bread and rolls, white with soya
                        Wheat bread and rolls, semi-brown
                        Wheat bread and rolls, brown or wholemeal
                  Rye only bread and rolls
                        Rye bread, refined flour
                        Rye bread, wholemeal
                  Bread and rolls with special ingredients added
                  Sandwich bread (hamburger roll-type)
                  Single grain bread and rolls
                  Multigrain bread and rolls
                        Mixed wheat and rye bread and rolls
                              Rye-wheat bread, refined flour
                              Rye-wheat bread, wholemeal
                        Multigrain (not only rye-wheat) bread and rolls
            Unleavened or flat bread and similar
                  Pizza base, cooked
                  Traditional unleavened breads
                        Pita bread
            Crackers and breadsticks
                  Sticks, salty
            Crisp bread
                  Rye crisp bread
                        Crisp bread, rye wholemeal
                        Crisp bread, rye, refined flour
                  Wheat crisp bread
                        Crisp bread, wheat, wholemeal
                        Crisp bread, wheat, refined flour
            Extruded, pressed or puffed bread
                  Extruded rice bread
                  Puffed cereals textured bread
                        Puffed wheat textured bread
                        Puffed rice textured bread
                        Puffed corn textured bread
                  Rusk, refined flour
                  Rusk, wholemeal
            Bread alternative
                  Gluten free bread
                        Gluten free bread, white
                        Gluten free bread, brown
            Additional bread products
                  Bread stuffing
      Pasta, doughs and similar products
            Pasta and similar products
                  Pasta, plain (not stuffed), uncooked
                        Pasta wholemeal
                        Fresh pasta
                              Fresh egg pasta
                              Fresh durum pasta
                        Dried pasta
                              Dried egg pasta
                              Dried durum pasta
                        Asian-style noodles other than glass noodles
                  Filled (stuffed) pastas
                        Fresh stuffed pasta
                              Fresh stuffed egg pasta
                              Fresh stuffed durum pasta
                        Dried stuffed pasta
                              Dried stuffed egg pasta
                              Dried stuffed durum pasta
                  Pasta-like products
                        Pasta, gluten free
                        Glass noodle
                              Noodle, rice
            Raw doughs and pre-mixes
                  Yeast leavened bread doughs
                        Yeast bread – pizza dough
                        Naturally leavened bread dough
                  Yeast leavened sweet doughs
                        Fine yeast sweet dough (brioche)
                        Ingredient-rich yeast dough
                  Chemically leavened doughs
                        Quick bread dough
                        Ingredient rich fine dough without yeast
                  Unleavened doughs
                        Waffle dough/mixture
                  Short pastry doughs (pate brisee)
                        Short pastry dough (pate brisee)
                        Fine dough without yeast
                        French pie pastry dough
                  Short sweet pastry doughs (pate sucree, sablee)
                        Short sweet pastry dough (pate sucree)
                        Shortbread pastry
                        Piped shortbread pastry
                        Sweet almond pastry mass
                  Choux pastry doughs
                        Choux pastry dough
                  Cake pre-mixes/batter
                        Sponge cake dough (génoise)
                        Mixture/mass for baumkuchen
                  Laminated doughs
                        Common laminated dough
                        Strudel dough
                  Miscellaneous doughs
                        Gingerbread dough
                        Quark oil dough
                        Suet pastry (pñte a grasse de bƓuf) dough
                  Pre-mixes (dry) for baked products
                        Bread pre-mixes (dry)
                        Cake pre-mixes (dry)
                        Pancake pre-mixes (dry)
      Fine bakery wares
                  Biscuits, sweet, plain
                        Butter biscuits
                        Biscuits, chocolate
                        Biscuits, sweet, wheat wholemeal
                        Biscuits, oat meal
                        Biscuits, spelt meal
                  Biscuit with inclusions, filling or coating
            Choux pastry
                  Plain cakes
                        Sponge cake
                        Cheese  cake
                              Cream cheese cake
                              Cheese cream sponge cake
                        Cream cake
                              Cream custard cake
                              Cream custard sponge cake
                              Nut cream cake
                        Fruit cake
                              Sponge cake roll
                        Meringue tart
                        Rotation cooked layered cakes
                              Pyramid cake
                              Baumkuchen and similar
                  Chocolate-based cakes
                        Chocolate cake
                              Chocolate cake with fruits
                        Cake marbled, with chocolate
            Yeast leavened pastry
                        Croissant, filled with chocolate
                        Croissant, filled with cream
                        Croissant, filled with jam
                  Brioche type products
            Shortcrust (pies -tarts)
                  Flan tart
                        Rhubarb flan
                  Fruit pie-tarts
                  Marzipan pie
            Puff pastry
                  Croissant from puff pastry
                        Puff-pastry croissant, filled with chocolate
                  Apple strudel
                  Cream-cheese strudel
            Various pastry
                  Dumpling, sweet
                  Scones and similar
                  Spice cakes
      Breakfast cereals
            Breakfast cereals, plain
                  Cereal rolled grains
                        Mixed cereal rolled grains
                        Barley rolled grains
                        Millet rolled grains
                        Oat rolled grains
                              Oat rolled grains, instant
                              Oat rolled grains, wholemeal
                        Rice rolled grains
                        Rye rolled grains
                        Spelt rolled grains
                        Wheat rolled grains
                        Wheat germs rolled flakes
                        Wheat bran rolled flakes
                  Porridge (in dry form, to be diluted)
                        Barley porridge
                        Cornmeal porridge
                        Oat porridge
                        Rice porridge
                        Rye porridge
                        Wheat semolina porridge
                  Porridge (ready to eat)
                        Porridge milk based (ready to eat)
                        Porridge water based (ready to eat)
            Cereal bars
                  Cereal bars plain
                  Cereal bars mixed
            Muesli and similar
                  Muesli plain
                  Muesli mixed
            Processed and mixed breakfast cereals
                  Cereal flakes and similar
                        Processed mixed cereal-based flakes
                        Processed barley-based flakes
                        Processed maize-based flakes
                        Processed oat-based flakes
                              Oat high-bran flakes
                        Processed rice-based flakes
                        Processed rye-based flakes
                        Processed wheat-based flakes
                        Extruded breakfast cereal products
                  Popped cereals
                        Barley popped
                        Popcorn (maize, popped)
                        Oat popped
                        Rice, popped
                        Rye popped
                        Wheat, popped
Vegetables and vegetable products
      Leafy vegetables
            Lettuces and salad plants
                  Lamb's lettuces and similar-
                        Lamb's lettuces
                        Italian corn salads
                  Lettuces and similar-
                              Lollo rosso
                        Crisp lettuces
                        Cutting lettuces
                        Head lettuces
                  Escaroles and similar-
                        Curly endives
                        Sugar loaf chicories
                        Wild chicories
                  Land cresses and similar-
                        Land cresses
                        Winter cress
                  Roman rocket and similar-
                        Roman rocket
                        Wall rocket
                  Red mustard leaves and similar-
                        Red mustard leaves
                  Baby leaf crops (including brassica species) and similar-
                        Baby leaf Chards
                        Baby leaf escaroles
                        Baby leaf indian mustard leaves
                        Baby leaf lettuces
                        Baby leaf spinaches
                        Baby leaf brassica crops
                              Rape greens
                              Rutabaga greens
                              Radish leaves (including radish tops)
                  Other lettuces and salad plants
                        Balsam pear leaves
                        Box thorn
                        Papaya leaves
                        Nightshade, black
                        Pepper leaves
                        Plantain leaves
                        Salsify leaves
                        Senna leaves
                        Sowthistle leaves
                        Taro leaves
                        Blackjack leaves
                        Marsh marigold leaves
                        Mallow leaves
                        Baobab leaves
            Spinach-type leaves
                  Spinaches and similar-
                        Amaranth leaves
                              Purple amaranth leaves
                              Red amaranth leaves
                              Spleen amaranth leaves
                              Chinese amaranth leaves
                              Green amaranth leaves
                        Bitterblad leaves
                        Black eyed peas leaves
                        Cassava leaves
                        Garland chrysanthemums leaves
                        New Zealand spinaches
                        Oraches leaves
                        Sweet potato leaves
                        Tannia leaves
                  Purslanes and similar-
                        Rock samphires
                        Sea asters
                        Sea lavanders
                        Winter purslanes
                  Chards and similar-
                        Beetroot leaves
                        Swiss chards
                  Other spinaches and similar leaves
                        Roselle leaves
            Other leafy vegetables
                  Grape leaves and similar species
                        Grape leaves
                        Climbing wattle
                        Malabar nightshades
                  Watercresses and similar-
                        Morning glory
                        Water clovers
                        Water mimosas
                  Witloofs and similar-
                        Dandelion leaves (forced)
                  Fern group
                        Cinnamon fern
                        Ostrich fern
                        Vegetable fern
            Head brassica
                  Brussels sprouts and similar-
                        Brussels sprouts
                  Head cabbages and similar-
                        Head cabbages
                        Pointed head cabbages
                        Red cabbages
                        Savoy cabbages
                        White cabbage
                  Other head brassica (p)
            Leafy brassica
                  Chinese cabbages and similar-
                        Chinese cabbages
                        Chinese flat cabbages
                        Indian mustards
                        Turnip tops
                  Kales and similar-
                        Curly kales
                        Stem kale
                        Jersey kales
                        Kohlrabi leaves
                        Rape kales
                        Portuguese kales
                  Other leafy brassica (c)
                        Sea kale
      Sprouts, shoots and similar
                  Garden cress sprouts
            Alfalfa sprouts
            Chinese chives sprouts
            Broccoli sprouts
            Daikon sprouts
            Ginger shoots
            Mung bean sprouts
            Peas shoots and sprouts
            Roman rocket sprouts
            Soyabeans sprouts
            Sunflower shoots and sprouts
            Adzuki bean sprouts
            Barley sprouts
            Common bean sprouts
            Chickpea sprouts
            Fenugreek sprouts
            Lentil sprouts
            Millet sprouts
            Mustard sprouts
            Radish sprouts
            Rice sprouts
      Flowering brassica
            Broccoli and similar-
                  Chinese broccoli
                  Choi sum
            Cauliflowers and similar-
                        Romanesco cauliflowers
            Other flowering brassica (p)
      Flowers used as vegetables
            Courgette (edible flowers)
            Other edible flowers
      Stems/stalks eaten as vegetables
            Asparagus and similar-
                  Hop sprouts
            Cardoons and similar-
                  Borage stems
            Celeries and similar-
            Florence fennels and similar-
                  Florence fennels
            Globe artichokes and similar-
                  Globe artichokes
                  Banana flowers
                        Banana flowers (acuminata)
                        Banana flowers (balbisiana)
                        Banana flowers (x paradisiaca)
            Leeks and similar-
            Rhubarbs and similar-
            Bamboo shoots and similar-
                  Bamboo shoots
                        Common bamboo
                        Moso Bamboo
            Palm hearts and similar-
                  Palm hearts
                        Peach palm hearts
                        Coconut palm hearts
                        Devil rattan hearts
                        Assai palm hearts
                        Cabbage palm heart
            Other Stem vegetables
            Kohlrabies and similar-
      Bulb vegetables
            Garlic and similar-
                  Twistedleaf garlic
            Onions and similar-
                        Onion bulbs for fresh consumption
                  Pearl onion
                  Silverskin onions
            Shallots and similar-
                  French grey shallots
                  Persian shallots
            Spring onions and similar-
                  Spring onions
                        Green onions
                        Welsh onions
                  Tree onions
            Other Bulb vegetables
      Legumes with pod
            Beans (with pods) and similar-
                  Azuki beans (with pods)
                  Black eyed peas (with pods)
                  Broad beans (with pods)
                  Slicing bean (young pods)
                        French beans (with pods)
                        Runner beans (with pods)
                        Lima beans (with pods)
                  Ervils (with pods)
                  Guar beans (with pods)
                  Jack beans (with pods)
                  Sword bean (young pods)
                  Lablab beans (with pods)
                  Monantha vetches (with pods)
                  Mung beans (with pods)
                  Rice beans  (with pods)
                  Soyabeans (with pods)
                  Stink beans (with pods)
                  Vetches (with pods)
                  Yardlong beans (with pods)
                  Goa bean (young pods)
                  Mat bean (young pods)
                  Black gram (young pods)
            Peas (with pods) and similar-
                  Garden peas (with pods)
                        Podded pea (young pods)
                  Asparagus peas (with pods)
                  Chickling vetches (with pods)
                  Chickpeas (with pods)
                  Moringa (with pods)
                  Pigeon peas (with pods)
                  Winged pea (young pods)
            Lentils and similar-
                  Lentil (young pods)
                  Lentils (without pods)
                  Lupins (without pods)
                        White lupin (without pods)
                        Blue lupin (without pods)
                        Yellow lupin (without pods)
                        Andean lupin (without pods)
      Fruiting vegetables
                  Tomatoes and similar-
                              Globe tomato
                              Beefsteak tomato
                              Plum tomato
                              Oxheart tomato
                              Pear-shaped tomatoes
                              Cherry tomatoes
                        Ground cherries (physalis etc.)
                              Cape gooseberries
                              Dwarf Cape gooseberries
                              Chinese wolfberries
                        Litchi tomatoes
                  Sweet peppers and similar-
                        Sweet peppers
                        Chili peppers
                              Capsicum annuum hot cultivars
                              Capsicum baccatum
                              Chinese capsicum
                              Tabasco capsicum
                              Rocoto capsicum
                  Aubergines and similar-
                        Ethiopian eggplants
                        Thorn apples 
                        Turkey berries
                  Okra and similar-
                  Other solanacea
            Cucurbits fruiting vegetables
                  Cucurbits with edible peel
                        Cucumbers and similar-
                              Armenian cucumbers
                        Gherkins and similar-
                              Bur gherkins
                        Courgettes and similar-
                              Angled luffas
                              Bottle gourds
                              Chayote fruits
                              Ivy gourds
                              Pointed gourds
                              Snake gourds
                              Summer squashes
                        Other cucurbits with edible peel
                              Balsam apple
                              Loofah, smooth
                  Cucurbits with inedible peel
                        Melons and similar-
                        Pumpkins and similar-
                              Butternut squashes 
                              Winter melon
                              Winter squashes
                        Watermelons and similar-
                        Other cucurbits with inedible peel
            Sweet corn and similar-
                  Sweet corn
                        Baby corn
            Other fruiting vegetables
      Root and tuber vegetables (excluding starchy- and sugar-)
            Beetroots and similar-
            Carrots and similar-
                  Coloured carrots varieties
                  Baby carrots
            Celeriacs and similar-
            Horseradishes and similar-
                  Horseradish roots
                  Dandelion roots
                  Gentiana roots
            Jerusalem artichokes and similar-
                  Jerusalem artichokes
            Parsnips and similar-
                  Parsnip roots
            Parsley roots and similar-
                  Parsley roots
                  Angelica roots
                  Burnet saxifrage roots
                  Lovage roots
                  Nettle roots
                        Comon nettle roots
                        Other urtica roots
                  Turnip-rooted chervil
            Radishes and similar-
                  Black radishes
                  Maca roots
                  Small radishes 
            Salsifies and similar-
                  Burdock, greater or edible
                  Rampion roots
                  Spanish salsifies
            Swedes and similar-
            Turnips and similar-
                  Tuberous-rooted mustards
            Additional not listed root and tuber vegetables (excluding starchy- and sugar-)
      Algae and prokaryotes organisms
            Green algae
                  Other green algae
                  Sea lettuce
            Red algae
                  Other red algae
                  Carrageen mosses
            Brown algae
                  Sea spaghetti
                  Other brown algae
                        Spirulina (maxima)
                        Spirulina (platensis)
            Other algae
            Other procaryotes organisms
      Fungi, mosses and lichens
                  Cultivated fungi and similar-
                        Common mushrooms
                        Corn smuts
                        Fusarium venenatum
                        Other cultivated mushrooms (p)
                        Horse mushrooms
                        Jew's ears
                              Pearl oyster mushrooms
                              Other species of genus Pleurotus, not elsewhere mentioned 
                        Paddy straw mushroom 
                        Pom-pom blancs
                        Snow mushrooms
                        Wood blewits
                        Other cultivated fungi 
                  Wild fungi and similar-
                        Hedgehog mushrooms
                        Horns of plenty
                        Other wild mushrooms
                        Saffron milk cap
                        Honey mushroom
                        Gypsy mushroom
                              PĂ©rigord black truffles
                              Piemont white truffles
                              Summer truffles
                              Other species of genus Tuber, not elsewhere mentioned 
                        Saint George's mushrooms 
                        Scotch bonnet mushrooms
                        Other wild fungi 
                              Field mushroom
            Mosses and lichens 
                  Icelandic mosses
                  Other mosses and lichens
      Herbs and edible flowers
            Aromatic herbs
                  Chervil and similar-
                  Chives and similar-
                        Chinese chives
                  Celery leaves and similar-
                        Celery leaves
                        Angelica (leaves and stems)
                        Caraway leaves
                        Coriander leaves
                        Culantro leaves
                        Dill leaves
                        Fennel leaves
                        Fenugreek leaves
                        Herb of grace
                        Lovage leaves
                        Salad burnet
                              Maori dock
                              Water dock
                              Garden sorrel
                              Bloodwort dock
                        Sweet cicely 
                  Parsley and similar-
                        Root parsley leaves
                  Sage and similar-
                        Curry herb
                        Greek sage
                        Jamé's sage
                        Other species and hybrids of genus Salvia, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Rosemary and similar-
                  Thyme and similar-
                        Creeping thyme
                        Cretan oregano
                        Lemon savory
                        Lemon thyme
                        Mastic thyme
                        Summer savory
                        Syrian oregano
                        Winter savory
                  Basils and mints
                              Apple mint
                              Bergamot mint
                              Corsican mint 
                              Water mint
                              Other species and hybrids of genus Mentha, not elsewhere mentioned
                        Asiatic pennywort 
                        Greek bush basil
                        Hoary basil
                        Holy basil
                        Lemon balm
                        Lemon basil
                        Lesser calamint
                        Lizard tail
                        Rice paddy herb
                        Thai basil
                        Vietnamese mint
                  Laurel and similar-
                        Curry leaves
                        Kaffir lime leaves
                        Siamese cassia
                        Wild betel leaves
                  Tarragon and similar-
                        Aztec sweet herb
                        Mexican oregano
                        Common nettle
                        Other urtica species
                        Russian tarragon
                  Aniseed myrtle
                  Evening primrose leaves
                  Sassafras leaves
                  White ginger
                  Wintergreen leaves
            Aromatic flowers
                  Marigold flowers
                        Dwarf marigold
                        Signet marigold
                        Other marigold flowers
                  Pot marigold (edible flowers)
                  Nasturtium flowers and leaves
                        Garden nasturtium
                        Dwarf nasturtium
      Processed or preserved vegetables and similar
            Processed tomato products
                  Preserved tomatoes not concentrated
                        Preserved tomato, whole or pieces
                        Tomato puree
                  Preserved concentrated tomatoes
                        Tomato paste
                  Sun-dried tomatoes
            Fermented or pickled vegetables
                  Fermented vegetables
                  Pickled/marinated vegetables
            Vegetable puree or paste
                  Mashed vegetable puree
                  Garlic puree
            Salted vegetables
            Candied or sugar-preserved vegetables
            Dried vegetables
                  Dried mushrooms
            Canned/jarred vegetables
                  Sweet corn canned
                  Canned mushrooms
                  French beans canned
Starchy roots or tubers and products thereof, sugar plants
      Starchy roots and tubers
            Potatoes and similar-
                        Potato boiled
                        Potato baked
                        Main-crop potatoes
                        New potatoes
            Tropical root and tuber vegetables
                  Cassava roots and similar-
                        Cassava roots
                        Blue taros
                        Chayote roots
                              Dasheen taros
                              Eddoe taros
                        Konjac roots
                  Sweet potatoes and similar-
                        Sweet potatoes
                  Yams and similar-
                        Amazonian yam beans
                        American groundnuts tubers
                        Andean yam beans
                        Mexican yam beans
                  Arrowroots and similar-
                        Lotus roots
                  Other tropical root and tuber vegetables
                        Topee tambu
                        Goa bean root
      Starchy root and tuber products
            Dried potato products
                  Mashed potato powder
                  Potato flour
                  Potato flakes
      Sugar plants
            Roots used as sugar source
                  Sugar beet roots and similar-
                        Sugar beet roots
                  Chicory roots and similar-
                        Chicory roots
                        Common polypody roots
                        Yacon roots
            Stalks/canes/trunk sap or similar for sugar 
                  Sugar canes and similar-
                        Sugar canes
                        Agave leaves
                              Blue Agave heart
                        Sweet sorghum canes
                  Other sugar plants
                        Birches (trunk sap)
                        Manna ashes (trunk sap)
                        Maples (trunk sap)
                        Palms (trunk sap)
                              Chilean coco palm (trunk sap)
                              Canary date palm (trunk sap)
                        Other not listed sugar plants
Legumes, nuts, oilseeds and spices
            Legumes fresh seeds (beans, peas etc.)
                  Beans (fresh seeds without pods) and similar-
                        Azuki beans (without pods)
                        Black eyed peas (without pods)
                        Broad beans (without pods)
                        Borlotti or other common beans (without pods)
                              Field bean (fresh seeds)
                              Flageolet (fresh seeds)
                              Kidney bean (fresh seeds)
                              Navy bean (fresh seeds)
                        Ervils (without pods)
                        Guar beans (without pods)
                        Jack beans (without pods)
                        Lablab beans (without pods)
                        Lima beans (without pods)
                        Monantha vetches  (without pods)
                        Mung beans (without pods)
                        Rice beans  (without pods)
                        Runner beans (without pods)
                        Soyabeans (without pods)
                        Stink beans (without pods)
                        Vetches (without pods)
                        Yardlong beans (without pods)
                        Mat bean (fresh seeds)
                        Black gram (fresh seeds)
                        Tepary bean (fresh seeds)
                  Peas (without pods) and similar-
                        Garden peas (without pods)
                              Marrowfat pea (fresh seeds)
                              Field (maple) pea (fresh seeds)
                        Asparagus peas (without pods)
                        Chickling vetches (without pods)
                        Chickpeas (without pods)
                        Moringa (without pods)
                        Pigeon peas (without pods)
                  Other Legume vegetables
                        Horse gram (fresh seeds)
                        Kersting's groundnut (fresh seeds)
                        Peanuts (fresh seeds)
                        Bambara groundnut (fresh seeds)
            Pulses (dried legume seeds)
                  Beans (dry) and similar-
                        Azuki beans (dry)
                        Black eyed peas (dry)
                        Broad beans (dry)
                        Borlotti or other common beans (dry)
                              Field beans (dry seeds)
                              Flageolets (dry seeds)
                              Kidney bean (dry seeds)
                              Navy beans (dry seeds)
                        Ervils (dry)
                        Guar beans (dry)
                        Jack beans (dry)
                        Lablab beans (dry)
                        Lima beans (dry)
                        Monantha vetches (dry)
                        Mung beans (dry)
                        Rice beans (dry) 
                        Runner beans (dry)
                        Soyabeans for consumption (dry)
                        Stink beans (dry)
                        Vetches (dry)
                        Yardlong beans (dry)
                  Lentils (dry) and similar-
                        Lentils (dry)
                  Peas (dry) and similar-
                        Garden peas (dry)
                              Marrowfat pea (dry seeds)
                              Field (maple) pea (dry seeds)
                        Asparagus peas (dry)
                        Chickling vetches (dry)
                        Chickpeas (dry)
                              Chickpea flour
                        Moringa (dry)
                        Pigeon peas (dry)
                  Lupins (dry) and similar-
                        Lupins (dry)
                              White lupin (dry)
                              Blue lupin (dry)
                              Yellow lupin (dry)
                              Andean lupin (dry)
                  Other pulses
                        Bambara groundnut (dry seeds)
                        Black gram (dry seeds)
                        Horse gram (dry seeds)
                        Kersting's groundnut (dry seeds)
                        Mat bean (dry seeds)
                        Tepary bean (dry seeds)
                  Other pulses (e)
      Nuts, oilseeds and oilfruits
            Tree nuts
                  Almonds and similar-
                              Almonds sweet
                              Bitter almonds
                        Apricot kernels
                        Canarium nuts
                              Canarium nuts (harveyi)
                              Canarium nuts (indicum)
                        Pili nuts
                  Brazil nuts and similar-
                        Brazil nuts
                  Cashew nuts and similar-
                        Cashew nuts
                  Chestnuts and similar-
                              Japanese chestnut
                              American chestnut
                              Chinese chestnut
                              Sweet Chestnut 
                  Coconuts and similar-
                        Areca nuts
                  Hazelnuts and similar-
                  Macadamias and similar-
                              Macadamia integrifolia
                              Macadamia tetraphylla
                  Pecans and similar-
                        Hickory nuts
                  Pine nut kernels and similar-
                        Pine nut kernels
                              Stone pine nut kernels
                              Swiss pine nut kernels
                              Chilgoza pine nut kernels
                              Korean pine nut kernels
                              Siberian pine nut kernels
                              Siberian dwarf pine nut kernels
                              Yunnan Pine nut kernels
                              Bhutan pine nut kernels
                              Other pine nut kernels
                  Pistachios and similar-
                  Walnuts and similar-
                              Eastern black walnuts
                              Common walnut
                  Other Tree nuts
                        Beech nuts
                        Paradise nut
                        Butter nut
                        Japanese horse-chestnut
                        Pachira nut
                        Tropical almond
                  Other tree nuts (e)
                  Linseeds and similar-
                  Peanuts and similar-
                  Poppy seeds and similar-
                        Poppy seeds
                  Sesame seeds and similar-
                        Sesame seeds
                  Sunflower seeds and similar-
                        Sunflower seeds
                  Rapeseeds and similar-
                        Radish seeds
                        Turnip rape seeds
                              Mustard seed, field
                  Soyabeans and similar-
                        Soyabeans for oil
                  Mustard seeds and similar-
                        Mustard seeds
                              Black mustard seeds
                              White mustard seeds
                              Canola seeds
                  Cotton seeds and similar-
                        Cotton seeds
                              Pima cotton seeds
                              Common cotton seeds
                  Pumpkin seeds and similar-
                        Pumpkin seeds
                        Watermelon seeds
                        Other seeds of species of familia Cucurbitaceae, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Safflower seeds and similar-
                        Safflower seeds
                        Milk thistle seeds
                        Niger seeds
                  Borage seeds and similar-
                        Borage seeds
                        Corn gromwell seeds
                        Evening primrose seeds
                        Honesty seeds
                              Annual honesty seeds
                              Perennial honesty seeds
                        Perilla seeds
                        Purple viper's bugloss seeds
                  Gold of pleasure seeds and similar-
                        Gold of pleasure seeds
                  Hemp seeds and similar-
                        Hemp seeds
                              Common hemp seeds
                              Ruderalis hemp seeds
                  Castor beans and similar-
                        Castor beans
                        Grape seeds
                        Sea buckthorn seeds
                  Other oilseeds (including elsewhere non-listed seeds)
                        Tucum seeds
                        Baobab seeds
                  Other minor oilseeds
            Oil fruits
                  Olives for oil production and similar-
                        Olives for oil production
                  Oil palms kernels and similar-
                        Oil palms kernels
                              Maripa palm kernels
                              African oil palm kernels
                              American oil palm kernels
                        Argan nuts
                        Babassu palm nuts
                        Jojoba nuts
                        Shea nuts
                  Oil palms fruits and similar-
                        Oil palms fruits
                              Maripa palm fruits
                              African oil palm fruits
                              American oil palm fruits
                  Kapok and similar-
                  Other minor oilfruit
                  Other oil fruits
            Dried herbs
                  Angelica, dry
                  Balm leaves, dry
                  Basil, dry
                  Bay leaves, dry
                  Borage, dry
                  Celery leaves, dry
                  Fennel, dry
                  Hyssop, dry
                  Lavender, dry
                  Lovage, dry
                  Marjoram, dry
                  Mints, dry
                  Rosemary, dry
                  Rue, dry
                  Sage, dry
                  Savory, dry
                  Sweet cicely, dry
                  Tansy and related species, dry
                  Thyme, dry
                  Wintergreen leaves, dry
                  Woodruff, dry
                  Wormwoods, dry
                  Other dried herbs
            Flowers or parts of flower used as spices or similar
                  Flower pistil spices
                        Saffron and similar-
                        Other Flower pistil spices
            Seed spices
                  Anise seed and similar-
                        Anise seed
                  Black caraway seed and similar-
                        Black caraway seed
                        Nigella seed
                  Celery seed and similar-
                        Celery seed
                        Angelica seed
                        Lovage seed
                  Coriander seeds and similar-
                        Coriander seed
                        Culantro seed
                  Cumin seed and similar-
                        Cumin seed
                  Dill seed  and similar-
                        Dill seed
                  Fennel seed  and similar-
                        Fennel seed 
                              Bitter fennel seed
                              Sweet fennel seed
                  Fenugreek seed and similar-
                        Fenugreek seed
                  Nutmeg seed and similar-
                        Nutmeg seed
                        Annatto seed 
                        Candlenut seeds
                  Other spices seeds (p)
                        Radhuni seed
                  Other spices seeds (e)
            Bud spices
                  Cloves buds and similar-
                        Cloves buds
                        Cassia buds
                              Batavia cinnamon buds
                              Chinese cassia buds
                              Saigon cinnamon buds
                  Capers buds and similar-
                        Capers buds
                        Nasturtium pods
                              Garden nasturtium pods
                              Dwarf nasturtium pods
                  Other Bud spices
                  Other spices buds (e)
            Aril spices
                  Mace aril and similar-
                        Mace aril
                  Other Aril spices
            Bark spices
                  Cinnamon bark and similar-
                        Cinnamon bark
                        Cassia bark
                              Batavia cinnamon bark
                              Chinese cassia bark
                              Saigon cinnamon bark
                  Other Bark spices
            Root and rhizome spices
                  Liquorice roots and similar-
                        Liquorice roots
                  Ginger roots and similar-
                        Ginger roots
                        Fingerrot roots
                        Galangal roots
                              Lesser galangal roots
                              Galanga roots
                              Greater galangal roots
                        Wasabi roots
                  Turmeric roots and similar-
                        Turmeric roots
                        Asafetida roots
                        Temulawak roots
                        Zedoary roots
                  Horseradish roots spice and similar-
                        Horseradish roots spice
                  Other Root and rhizome spices
                  Other spices roots or rhizome (e)
            Fruit spices
                  Allspice fruit and similar-
                        Allspice fruit
                  Sichuan pepper fruit and similar-
                        Sichuan pepper fruit
                        Japanese pepper fruit
                        Uzazi fruit
                  Caraway fruit and similar-
                        Caraway fruit
                        Ajowan fruit
                        Black caraway fruit
                  Cardamom fruit and similar-
                        Cardamom fruit
                        Marjoram fruit
                        Star anise fruit
                  Juniper berry and similar-
                        Juniper berry
                  Peppercorn (black, green and white) and similar-
                        Peppercorn (black, green and white)
                              Green pepper
                              White pepper
                              Black pepper
                        Brazilian pepper fruit
                        Cubeb fruit
                        Grain of paradise fruit
                        Long pepper fruit
                        Pink pepper fruit
                        Sumac fruit
                        West African pepper fruit
                  Vanilla and similar-
                        Tahiti vanilla
                        Tonka bean
                        West Indian vanilla
                  Tamarind and similar-
                  Other fruit spices
                        Chili pepper, dried
                              Paprika powder
                  Other spices fruit and berries (e)
      Processed legumes, nuts, oilseeds and spices
            Primary derivatives from nuts and similar seeds
                  Candied or sugar preserved nuts
                  Dried nuts and related flours and powders
                  Nut/seeds paste/emulsion/mass
                        Chestnut puree (castanea vulgaris)
                        Sesame paste (tahini) (sesamus indicum)
                        Peanut butter
            Canned or jarred legumes
                  Canned or jarred common beans
                  Canned or jarred peas
                  Canned or jarred lentils
                  Canned or jarred chickpea
Fruit and fruit products
      Fruit used as fruit
            Citrus fruits
                  Grapefruits and similar-
                        Tangelos (except minneolas)
                              Ugli fruits
                        Other hybrids of Citrus paradisi, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Oranges and similar-
                              Oranges, sweet
                              Blood oranges
                              Cara caras
                        Bitter oranges
                        Trifoliate oranges
                        Other hybrids of Citrus sinensis, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Lemons and similar-
                        Buddha's hands
                  Limes and similar-
                        Indian sweet limes
                        Kaffir limes
                        Sweet limes
                        Tahiti limes
                  Mandarins and similar-
                              King mandarins
                        Cleopatra mandarins
                        Mediterranean mandarins
                        Tankan mandarin
                        Other hybrids of Citrus reticulata, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Other Citrus fruits
                  Other miscellaneous citrus fruit
            Pome fruits
                  Apples and similar-
                        Crab apples
                  Pears and similar-
                        Nashi pears
                        Wild pears 
                        Ya pears
                  Quinces and similar-
                        Chinese quinces
                        Japanese quinces
                  Medlars and similar-
                  Loquats and similar-
                  Other Pome fruits
            Stone fruits
                  Apricots and similar-
                        Japanese apricots
                  Cherries and similar-
                        Cherries (sweet)
                        Black cherries
                        Cornelian cherries
                        Nanking cherries 
                        Sour cherries
                              Sour cherries dark red
                              Sour cherries light red
                  Peaches and similar-
                        Common peaches
                        Flat peaches
                        Other hybrids of Persica vulgaris or Prunus persica, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Plums and similar-
                        American plums
                        Beach plums
                        Cherry plums 
                        Chickasaw plums 
                        Chinese jujubes
                        Japanese plums
                        Klamath plums
                        Prunus NadiaÂź
                  Other Stone fruits
                  Other stone fruits (e)
            Berries and small fruits
                  Grapes and similar fruits
                        Table grapes and similar-
                              Table grapes
                              Schisandra berries
                        Wine grapes and similar-
                              Wine grapes
                              Amur river grapes
                              Muscadine grapes
                  Strawberries and similar-
                        Musky strawberries
                        Wild strawberries
                  Cane fruits
                        Blackberries and similar-
                        Dewberries and similar-
                              Other species and hybrids of genus Rubus, not elsewhere mentioned
                        Raspberries and similar-
                              Raspberries (red and yellow)
                              Arctic brambles
                              Black raspberries
                              Korean black raspberries
                              Korean raspberries
                              Nectar raspberries
                        Other cane fruits
                  Blueberries and similar-
                              Southern blueberry
                              Rabbiteye blueberry
                              Lowbush Blueberry
                              Northern highbush blueberry
                        Aronia berries
                              Aronia berries (red)
                              Aronia berries (black)
                              Aronia berries (purple)
                              Bog bilberries
                        European barberries
                        Golden currant
                        Myrtle berries
                        Native currant
                        Lingonberries and similar
                        Sea buckthorns
                        Other species and hybrids of genera Ribes and Vaccinium, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Cranberries and similar-
                              Purple crowberries
                              Black crowberries (tetraploid)
                              Black crowberries (common)
                              Red crowberries
                        Partridge berries
                        Small cranberries
                  Currants and similar-
                        Currants (black, red and white)
                  Gooseberries and similar-
                        Gooseberries (green, red and yellow)
                  Rose hips and similar-
                        Rose hips
                              Dog rose
                              Cinnamon rose
                              Rugosa rose
                  Mulberries (black and white) and similar-
                        Mulberries (black and white)
                              White mulberries
                              Black mulberries
                  Azaroles and similar-
                  Elderberries and similar-
                        Buffalo berries
                        Che berries
                        Dwarf elderberries
                        Guelder rose berries
                        Midland hawberries
                        Phalsa fruits
                        Sorb fruits
                              Sorb berries
                              Rowan berries 
                  Other not listed other small fruits and berries
            Miscellaneous fruits (generic)
            Miscellaneous fruits with edible peel
                  Dates and similar-
                        Açaí berries
                        Awara palm fruits
                        Doum palm fruits
                  Figs and similar-
                  Table olives and similar-
                        Table olives
                        Chinese olives, black, white
                              Chinese black olives
                              Chinese white olives
                        Desert dates
                  Kumquats and similar-
                              Marumi kumquats
                              Nagami kumquats
                        Other species and hybrids of genus Fortunella, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Carambolas and similar-
                        Cashew apples
                        Indian jujubes
                        Malay pommarosas
                        Malayan mombins
                        Natal plums
                        Purple mombins
                  Kaki and similar-
                        Chinese persimmons
                  Jambuls and similar-
                        Arbutus berries
                        Camu camus
                        Coco plums
                        Hog plums
                        Java apples
                        Otaheite gooseberries
                        Sea grapes
                        Surinam cherries
                        Water apples
                        Water berries
                        Water pears
                  Other Miscellaneous fruits with edible peel
            Miscellaneous fruits with inedible peel, small
                  Kiwi fruits and similar-
                        Kiwi fruits (green, red, yellow)
                              Fuzzy kiwifruit
                              Golden kiwifruit
                  Litchis and similar-
                        Spanish limes
                  Passionfruits and similar-
                        Banana passionfruits
                        Giant granadillas
                        Monstera fruits
                        Wingedstem passionflower fruits
                  Prickly pears and similar-
                        Prickly pears
                        Red pitayas
                        Saguaro fruits
                  Star apples and similar-
                        Star apples
                  American persimmons and similar-
                        American persimmons
                        Black sapotes
                        Green sapotes
                        White sapotes
                        Yellow sapotes
                  Other Miscellaneous fruits with inedible peel, small
            Miscellaneous fruits with inedible peel, large
                  Avocados and similar-
                        Avocados for oil production
                  Bananas and similar-
                              Cavendishes acuminata
                              Cavendishes balbisiana
                              Cavendishes paradisiaca
                        Dwarf bananas
                              Plantains acuminata
                              Plantains balbisiana
                              Plantains paradisiaca
                  Mangoes and similar-
                  Papayas and similar-
                        Akee apples
                        Paw paws
                  Granate apples and similar-
                        Granate apples
                  Cherimoyas and similar-
                        Elephant apples
                        Mammey sapotes
                        Wild sweetsops
                  Guavas and similar-
                        Brazilian guavas
                        Cattley guavas
                        Costarican guavas
                        ParĂ  guavas
                  Pineapples and similar-
                  Breadfruits and similar-
                        Other species of genus Artocarpus, not elsewhere mentioned
                  Durians and similar-
                  Soursops and similar-
                  Other Miscellaneous fruits with inedible peel, large
                        Mammey apple
                        Baobab fruits
      Processed fruit products
            Dried fruit
                  Mixed dried fruits
                  Fruit chips
                  Chocolate coated dried fruit
                  Dried prunes
                  Dried apples
                  Dried apricots
                  Dried vine fruits (raisins etc.)
                  Dried dates
                  Dried figs
                  Dried pears
                  Dried bananas
                  Dried mangoes
            Fruit / vegetable spreads and similar
                  Jam of fruit / vegetables
                        Jam, strawberries
                        Jam, raspberries
                        Jam, blackberries
                        Jam, currants (red)
                        Jam, currants (black)
                        Jam, lingonberry
                        Jam, gooseberries
                        Jam, cranberries
                        Jam, blueberries
                        Jam, rose hips
                        Jam, apricots
                        Jam, plums
                        Jam, peaches
                        Jam, sweet cherry
                        Jam, sour cherry
                        Jam, oranges
                        Jam, mandarins
                        Jam, mixed fruit
                        Marmalade, oranges
                        Marmalade, mandarins
                        Marmalade, mixed citrus fruit
                  Fruit preparations for fillings and/or flavouring
                  Compote of fruit / vegetables
                        Fruit compote, apple
                        Fruit compote, apricot
                        Fruit compote, cranberry
                        Fruit compote, mandarin
                        Fruit compote, peach
                        Fruit compote, pear
                        Fruit compote, pineapple
                        Fruit compote, plum
                        Fruit compote, sweet cherry
                        Fruit compote, sour cherry
                        Fruit compote, table grape
                        Fruit compote, mixed fruit
                  Other fruit spreads
            Other processed fruit products (excluding beverages)
                  Citrus fruit peel
                  Fruit or fruit-vegetable puree
                  Candied fruits
                        Candied fruit, apple
                        Candied fruit, bananas
                        Candied fruit, cherry
                        Candied fruit, grape
                        Candied fruit, orange peel
                        Candied fruit, pear
                        Candied fruit, pineapple
                        Candied fruit, mixed fruit
                  Fermented fruit products
                        Olives, processed
                              Table olives ready for consumption
                  Fruit in vinegar or brine
                  Fruit in alcohol or spirits
                  Canned or jarred fruit
                        Canned or jarred mixed fruit
                              Canned fruit cocktail
                        Canned or jarred mandarin
                        Canned or jarred apple
                        Canned or jarred pear
                        Canned or jarred apricot
                        Canned or jarred plum
                        Canned or jarred sweet cherry
                        Canned or jarred sour cherry
                        Canned or jarred peach
                        Canned or jarred table grape
                        Canned or jarred cranberry
                        Canned or jarred pineapple
Meat and meat products
      Animal carcase
            Bovine carcase
            Pig carcase
            Asses-mules-hinnies carcase
            Sheep carcase
            Goat carcase
            Horse carcase
            Rabbit carcase
            Deer carcase
            Wild boar carcase
            Chicken carcase
            Duck carcase
            Goose carcase
            Turkey carcase
            Ratites carcase
      Animal mechanically separated meat (MSM)
            Mammals msm
                  Bovine msm
                  Pig msm
                  Sheep msm
                  Goat msm
                  Horse msm
                  Asses-mules-hinnies msm
                  Rabbit msm
                  Deer msm
                  Wild boar msm
            Generic poultry msm
                  Chicken msm
                  Duck msm
                  Goose msm
                  Turkey msm
                  Ratites msm
      Mammals and birds meat
            Mammals meat
                  Bovine and pig fresh meat
                        Bovine and pig, minced meat
                  Mixed pork and mutton/lamb fresh meat
                  Mixed beef and mutton/lamb fresh meat
                  Bovine muscle
                        Cow, ox or bull fresh meat
                              Bovine, minced meat
                        Calf fresh meat
                        Buffalo fresh meat
                              Buffalo, water fresh meat
                        Buffalo, african fresh meat
                              Buffalo, cape fresh meat
                        Buffalo, american fresh meat
                        Yak fresh meat
                        Zebu fresh meat
                  Pig muscle
                        Pig minced meat
                  Sheep muscle
                        Sheep (adult) fresh meat
                        Lamb fresh meat
                        Sheep, minced meat
                  Goat muscle
                        Goat, minced meat
                  Equine muscle
                        Horse fresh meat
                              Horse, minced meat
                        Asses-mules-hinnies fresh meat
                              Asses-mules-hinnies, minced meat
                  Rabbit fresh meat
                        Rabbit, minced meat
                  Camel fresh meat
                        Camel, bactrian fresh meat
                        Dromedary fresh meat
                  Kangaroo fresh meat
                  Llama or lama fresh meat
                  Deer fresh meat
                        Deer, minced meat
                        Deer, fallow fresh meat
                        Deer, red fresh meat
                        Wapiti elk meat
                        European moose meat
                        Reindeer meat
                        Roe deer meat
                  Wild boar fresh meat
                        Wild boar, minced meat
                  Hare fresh meat
                  Moufflon fresh meat
                  Chamois fresh meat
                  Dog meat
                  Rat meat
                  Marine mammals meat
            Birds meat
                  Poultry fresh meat (muscle meat)
                        Undefined mixed poultry fresh meat
                        Chicken fresh meat
                              Chicken, minced meat
                        Turkey fresh meat
                              Turkey, minced meat
                        Duck fresh meat
                              Duck, minced meat
                        Goose fresh meat
                              Goose, minced meat
                        Ratites fresh meat
                              Ratites, minced meat
                        Guinea-fowl fresh meat
                        Partridge fresh meat
                        Pheasant fresh meat
                        Pigeon fresh meat
                        Quail fresh meat
                  Wild goose fresh meat
                  Mallard fresh meat
                  Snipe fresh meat
                  Grouse fresh meat
                  Ptarmigan fresh meat
      Animal fresh fat tissues
            Mixed fresh fat tissue
            Mammals fat tissue
                  Bovine and pig, fresh fat tissue
                  Bovine fat tissue
                        Cattle fresh fat tissue
                        Buffalo fresh fat tissue
                  Pig fat tissue
                  Sheep fat tissue
                  Goat fat tissue
                  Equine fat tissue
                        Horse, fresh fat tissue
                        Asses-mules-hinnies, fresh fat tissue
                  Rabbit, fresh fat tissue
                  Camel fat tissue
                  Deer, fresh fat tissue
                  Wild boar, fresh fat tissue
                  Hare fresh fat tissue
            Birds fat tissue
                  Poultry fat tissue
                        Chicken, fresh fat tissue
                        Turkey, fresh fat tissue
                        Duck, fresh fat tissue
                        Goose, fresh fat tissue
                        Ratites fresh fat tissue
      Animal liver
            Mammals liver
                  Bovine liver
                        Beef liver
                        Veal liver
                  Pig liver
                  Sheep liver
                  Goat liver
                  Equine liver
                        Horse liver
                        Asses-mules-hinnies liver
                  Rabbit liver
                  Deer liver
                  Wild boar liver
            Poultry liver
                  Chicken liver
                  Turkey liver
                  Duck liver
                  Goose liver
                        Foie gras
                  Ratites liver
      Animal kidney
            Mammals kidney
                  Bovine kidney
                        Beef kidney
                        Veal kidney
                  Pig kidney
                  Sheep kidney
                  Goat kidney
                  Equine kidney
                        Horse kidney
                        Asses-mules-hinnies kidney
                  Rabbit kidney
                  Deer kidney
                  Wild boar kidney
            Poultry kidney
                  Chicken kidney
                  Turkey kidney
                  Duck kidney
                  Goose kidney
                  Ratites kidney
      Animal blood
      Animal other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
            Mammals other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Bovine edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                        Buffalo, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Pig edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                  Sheep edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                  Goat edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                  Equine edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                        Horse, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                        Asses-mules-hinnies, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Rabbit, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Deer, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Wild boar, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Camel, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
            Poultry edible offals (other than liver and kidney)
                  Chicken, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Turkey, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Duck, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Goose, other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
                  Ratites other organs (edible offals non-muscle)
      Animal other slaughtering products
            Mammals other slaughtering products
                  Bovine other slaughtering products
                        Bovine tongue
                        Bovine heart
                        Bovine stomach
                        Bovine marrowbone
                        Bovine tail
                        Bovine trotters and feet
                  Pig other slaughtering products
                        Pig tongue
                        Pig heart
                        Pig stomach
                        Pig marrowbone
                        Pig tail
                        Pig trotters and feet
                        Pig head
                  Sheep other slaughtering products
                  Goat other slaughtering products
                  Equine other slaughtering products (generic)
                  Horse, other slaughtering products
                        Horse tongue
                        Horse heart
                        Horse marrowbone
                  Asses-mules-hinnies, other slaughtering products
                  Rabbit, other slaughtering products
                  Deer, other slaughtering products
                  Wild boar, other slaughtering products
            Poultry other slaughtering products
                  Poultry skin
                  Chicken, other slaughtering products
                        Chicken feet
                  Turkey, other slaughtering products
                  Duck, other slaughtering products
                  Goose, other slaughtering products
      Processed whole meat products
            Raw cured meat
                  Cured seasoned pork meat
                        Ham, pork
                        Tiroler speck
                        Corned pork, uncooked
                  Cured seasoned bovine meat
                        Ham, beef
                        Corned beef, uncooked
                  Cured seasoned poultry meat
                        Corned turkey, uncooked
                  Other cured meat
            Cooked cured or seasoned meat
                  Cooked cured or seasoned pork meat
                        Spalla cotta
                        Cooked pork ham
                        Cooked pork tongue
                        Corned pork meat, cooked
                        Pastrami, pork
                  Cooked cured or seasoned bovine meat
                        Pastrami, beef
                        Cooked bovine tongue
                        Corned beef, cooked
                  Cooked cured or seasoned poultry meat
                        Cooked turkey meat
                        Corned turkey
                        Cooked other poultry meat
                  Cooked cured or seasoned ovine meat
                        Pastrami, lamb
                  Other cooked cured meat
      Preserved fat tissues
            Cured pork fat
            Fresh raw sausages
                  Italian-style sausage
                        Fresh spiced sausages in casing
                        Fresh bulk sausages
                  Breakfast-type sausage
                  Chipolata-type sausage
                  Fresh bratwurst
            Preserved or partly preserved sausages
                  Cured unripened raw sausages
                        Mettwurst-type sausage
                        Teewurst-type sausage
                        Fresh kolbasz
                  Cured ripened raw sausages
                        Salami-type sausage
                              Italian-type salami
                              Hungarian-type salami
                              German salami
                        Pepperoni/paprika-type sausage
                              Chorizo and similar
                              Linguica, sausage
                              Snack sausages (like Cabanos and landjÀger)
                              Ripened kolbasz
                        Matured charcuterie products for cooking
                  Spreadable cooked sausages
                        Liver-type sausage
                  Sliceable or firm cooked sausages
                        Polish-type cooked sausage
                        Mortadella-type sausage
                        Bologna-type sausage
                        Blood-type sausage
                        Miscellaneous cooked sausages
                              Cooked salami
                              Blood and tongue sausage
                              Head cheese
                  Pre-cooked sausages to be cooked before consumption
                        Knackwurst-type sausage
                        Thuringian sausage
                        Frankfurt-type sausage
                              Frankfurter sausage
                              Wiener sausage
                        Cooked bratwurst-type sausage
                              Cervelat (swiss type)
      Meat specialties
            Meat based spreadable-textured specialities
                  Meat spread
            Liver based spreadable-textured specialities
                  Pate, goose liver
                  Pate, chicken liver
                  Pate, pork liver
                  Liver cheese
      Edible casings
      Animal meat dried
            Mammals or birds dried meat
                  Bovine meat, dried
                  Horse meat, dried
                  Pig meat, dried
                  Turkey meat, dried
                  Goat meat, dried
      Marinated meat
      Canned-tinned meat
            Canned meat
            Luncheon spiced ham-type tinned meat
            Tinned bulk sausages
Fish, seafood, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates
      Fish (meat)
            Freshwater fish
                  Carps, barbels and other cyprinids
                              Silver barb
                        Bluegill sunfish, or bluegill bream
                        Freshwater bream - Europe
                        Wuchang bream - China
                              Carp, common
                              Silver carp
                              Bighead carp
                              Black carp
                              Carp, grass
                              Mud carp
                              Carp, indian
                              Labeo carps (generic)
                              Labeo calbasu
                              Roho labeo
                              Crucian carp
                  Tilapias and other cichlids
                              Mozambique tilapia
                              Nile tilapia
                              Blue tilapia
                  Miscellaneous freshwater fishes
                        Catfishes (freshwater)
                              Channel catfish
                              Pangas catfishes
                              Clarias catfish (generic)
                              African catfish
                              Amur catfish
                              Chinese longsmout catfish
                              Yellow catfish
                              Sorubim catfish
                        Mandarine fish
                              Striped snakehead
                              Indonesian snakehead
                        Asian swamp eel
                              Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus)
                              Gobies, freshwater
                              Marble goby
                              Pacific fat sleeper
                        Gourami (asia)
                              Giant gourami
                              Snakeskin gourami
                        Climbing perch
                              Perch, american yellow
                              Perch, european
                        White crappie
                        Silver perch
                        Nile perch
                        Largemouth black bass
                              Amur pike
                              Northern pike
                        Cod, murray
                        Perch, golden
                        African bonytongue
            Diadromous fish
                  Sturgeons, paddlefishes
                        Paddle fish
                  River eels
                        Eel, american
                        Eel, australian
                        Eel, european
                        Eel, japanese
                  Salmons, trouts, smelts
                              Atlantic salmon
                              Pacific salmon (generic)
                              Cherry salmon
                              Chinook salmon
                              Chum salmon
                              Coho salmon
                              Pink salmon
                              Sockeye salmon
                              Brown trout
                              Cutthroat trout
                              Rainbow trout
                              Lake trout
                              Brook trout
                              Arctic char
                              Smelt, european
                              Smelt, rainbow
                        Whitefishes or coregonus
                        Ayu sweetfish
                        Pond smelt
                        Clearhead icefish
                        Hilsa shad
                  Miscellaneous diadromous fishes
                        Perch, white
            Marine fish
                  Flounders, halibuts, soles
                        Dab or common dab
                              Witch flounder
                              Yellowtail flounder
                              Halibut, atlantic
                              Halibut, greenland
                              Halibut, pacific
                              Plaice, alaska
                              Plaice, european
                              Yellowfin sole
                  Cods, hakes, haddocks
                              Cod, atlantic
                              Cod, greenland
                              Cod, pacific
                        Pollack, pollock
                        Norway pout
                        Blue whitings
                        Alaska pollock
                  Miscellaneous coastal marine fishes
                              Salmon, threadfin
                        Sea bass
                              Japanese seabass
                        Sea bream
                              Gilthead seabream
                        Red drum
                        Large yellow croaker
                        Yellow croaker
                        Bream, silver
                        Sea catfishes
                        Pacific sandlance
                        Lesser sand eel
                  Miscellaneous demersal marine fishes
                              Conger, european
                        Ocean perch
                              Scorpion fishes
                        Anglerfish and monkfish
                        Hairtails, scabbardfishes (generic)
                  Herrings, sardines, anchovies
                        Sardines and sardine-type fishes
                              European sardine
                              Sardinella or oil sardine
                              Herring, atlantic
                              Herring, pacific
                  Tunas, bonitos, billfishes
                        Tuna and bonito (generic)
                              Bonito, atlantic
                              Bonito, eastern pacific
                              Tuna, bigeye
                              Tuna, blackfin
                              Tuna, bluefin (generic)
                              Northern bluefin tuna
                              Southern bluefin tuna
                              Tuna, longtail
                              Tuna, skipjack
                              Tuna, yellowfin
                              Bullet tuna
                        Spanish mackerel
                        King mackerel
                        Other billfishes
                  Miscellaneous pelagic marine fishes
                        Pomfret, atlantic
                        Pomfret, Indo-Pacific
                        Horse jack
                        Jack mackerel
                              Horse mackerels
                              Mackerel, atlantic
                              Mackerel, chub
                              Mackerel, indian
                              Mackerel, short
                  Sharks, rays, chimaeras
                              Liveroil shark
                              Blue shark
                              Thresher sharks
                              Requiem shark
                              Smooth hounds
                              Spiny dogfish
                  Marine fishes not identified
      Fish offal
            Fish liver
                  Shark liver
                  Cod liver
            Fish roe
                  Bluefish roe
                  Cod roe
                  Dolphinfish roe
                  Flounder roe
                  Herring roe
                  Mackerel roe
                  Mullet roe
                  Salmon roe, pacific
                  Salmon roe, atlantic
                  Shad roe
                  Sturgeon roe
                  Lumpfish roe
            Other fish offal
            Freshwater crustaceans
                  Freshwater crabs
                        Chinese mitten crab
                  Freshwater crayfishes
                        Red swamp crawfish
                        Danube crayfish
                  Freshwater shrimps or prawns
                        Giant river prawn
                        Moonsoon river prawn
                        Oriental river prawn
                        Siberian prawn
            Crabs, sea-spiders
                  Swimming crabs
                  Indo-Pacific swamp crab
                  Blue crab
                  Tanner crabs (generic)
                  Edible crab
            Lobsters, spiny-rock lobster
                        Lobster, american
                        Lobster, european
                        Lobster, norway
                  Slipper lobster
                  Spiny and rock lobsters
            King crabs, squat-lobsters
                  Squat lobsters
                  King crabs
            Shrimps and prawns
                  Prawn, giant tiger
                  Prawn, northern
                  White shrimp
                  Shrimps, common
                  Natantian decapods
                  Akiami paste shrimp
                  Metapenaeus shrimps
            Krill, planktonic crustaceans
            Miscellaneous marine crustaceans
            Freshwater molluscs
            Abalones, winkles, conchs
                  Water snails, conches and whelks
                  Oyster, european
                  Oyster, portuguese cupped
                  Oyster, sydney rock
                  Oyster, pacific cupped
                  Blue mussel
                  Chilean mussel
                  Green mussel
            Scallops, pectens
                  Scallop, australian
                  Scallop, bay
                  Scallop, giant pacific
                  Scallop, great
                  Scallop, new zealand
                  Scallop, queen
                  Scallop, sea
                  Yesso scallop
            Clams, cockles, arkshells
                        Razor clam
                  Cockle and arkshell
            Squids, cuttlefishes, octopuses
                        Cuttlefish, common
                        Little cuttle
                        Octopus, common
                        Octopus, musky
                        Octopus, curled
                        Squid, common
                        Squid, european flying
                        Squid, japanese flying
                        Squid, short finned
            Miscellaneous marine molluscs
      Sea-squirts and other tunicates
            Sea squirts
      Sea urchins and other echinoderms
            Sea urchins
      Jellyfishes and similar
      Amphibians, reptiles, snails, insects
            Amphibians and Reptiles
                  Frogs (legs)
                        Frog legs (Rana genus)
                              Frog, agile
                              Frog, common
                        Other frog legs from frogs not belonging to the genus Rana
                              Bullfrog, indian
                              Frog, edible
                              Frog, marsh
                              Frog, pool
                        Turtle, green
                        Turtle, snapping
                        Turtle, hawksbill
                        Turtle, loggerhead
                  Other Amphibians and Reptiles 
            Terrestrial invertebrates
                        Snail, garden
                        Snail, roman
                        Other edible snails not belonging to the genus Helix
                              Snail, giant
                  Insects and arachnids (including species only consumed outside EU)
                  Earthworms (including species only consumed outside EU)
      Fish and seafood processed
            Processed or preserved fish (including processed offals)
                  Structured/textured fish meat products or fish paste
                        Fish fingers, breaded
                        Fish balls
                        Fish paste or surimi
                  Marinated / pickled fish
                  Salt-preserved fish
                        Salted cod
                  Dried fish
                        Flat-fishes, dried
                              Halibut, dried
                              Dab or common dab, dried
                              Cod, dried
                              Hake, dried
                              Ling, dried
                              Pollock, dried
                  Canned/jarred fish
                        Canned salmon
                        Canned anchovies
                        Canned sardines
                        Canned sprats
                        Canned herring
                        Canned mackerel
                        Canned tunas and similar
                  Smoked fish
                        Smoked salmon
                        Smoked herring
                        Other smoked fishes
            Processed or preserved seafood
                  Marinated / pickled seafood
                  Salted seafood
                  Dried seafood
                        Dried shrimps and prawns
                        Dried cephalopods
                  Canned seafood
                  Smoked seafood
Milk and dairy products
      Milk, whey and cream
                  Cattle milk
                        Cow milk
                              Cow milk, natural high fat
                              Cow milk, whole
                              Cow milk, semi skimmed (half fat)
                              Cow milk, skimmed (low fat)
                        American buffalo milk
                        Banteng milk
                        European buffalo milk
                        Gayal milk
                        Yak (domestic) milk
                        Zebu milk
                        Water buffalo milk
                  Ovine milk
                        Sheep milk
                        Mouflon (farmed) milk
                  Goat milk
                  Equine milk
                        Horse milk
                        Ass milk
                  Other milks
                        Bactrian camel milk
                        Dromedary milk
                        Elk milk
                        Reindeer milk
                        Other milk producer animals
                        Human milk
                  Flavoured milks
            Cream and cream products
                  Cream, plain
                  Cream with other ingredients
                  Cream sprayable
                  Whey, sweet
                  Whey, sour
                  Flavoured whey
                  Traditional buttermilk (churning)
                  Cultured buttermilk
      Fermented milk or cream
            Fermented milk products
                        Yoghurt, cow milk
                              Yoghurt, cow milk, plain
                              Yoghurt, cow milk, flavoured
                        Yoghurt, sheep milk
                              Yoghurt, sheep milk, plain
                              Yoghurt, sheep milk, flavoured
                        Yoghurt, goat milk
                              Yoghurt, goat milk, plain
                              Yoghurt, goat milk, flavoured
                  Yoghurt drinks, sweetened and/or flavoured
                  Traditional sour milk products
                        Traditional nordic fermented milks
                        Flavoured traditional sour milk products
                  Probiotic milk-like drinks
                        Acidophilus milk
            Sour cream products
                  Sour cream, plain
                  Créme fraiche and other mild variants of sour cream
                  Flavoured sour cream
      Milk and dairy powders and concentrates
            Milk and dairy concentrate
                  Evaporated milk (liquid, unsweetened)
                  Condensed milk (sometimes with added sugars)
                  Other dairy concentrate
            Milk and dairy powders
                  Milk powder
                        Milk powder, full fat
                        Milk powder, skimmed
                  Cream powder
                  Whey powder
                  Other dairy powder
            Fresh uncured cheese
                  Cottage cheese
                  Cheese curd
                  Miscellaneous fresh uncured cheeses
                        Cheese, urda
                        Cheese, boilie
                        Cheese, burrata
                        Cheese, chevre frais
                        Cheese, clotted cream
                        Cheese, crescenza
                        Cheese, juustoleipa
                        Cheese, mizithra
                        Cheese, triple creme
                        Cream cheese
            Brined cheese (feta-type and similar)
                  Soft brined cheese (feta type)
                        Cheese, feta
                        Cheese, telemea
                  Firm brined cheese (ricotta salata type)
                        Cheese, ricotta salata
            Ripened cheese
                  Soft - ripened cheese
                        Soft-ripened washed-rind cheese (limburger type)
                              Cheese, epoisses
                              Cheese, langres
                              Cheese, limburger
                              Cheese, munster
                              Cheese, serpa
                              Cheese, taleggio
                              Cheese, vacherin mont d'or
                              Cheese, wynendale
                        Soft-ripened cheese with bloomy rind (white mould) (brie, camembert type)
                              Cheese, brie
                              Cheese, camembert
                              Cheese, chaource
                              Cheese, chevre mould ripened
                              Cheese, coulommiers
                              Cheese, dunbarra
                              Cheese, garrotxa
                              Cheese, pouligny-saint-pierre
                              Cheese, saga
                              Cheese, saint marcellin
                        Soft-ripened cheese veined with blue mould (blue bavarian, blue de graven type )
                              Cheese, bavarian blue
                              Cheese, blue castello
                              Cheese, blue de graven
                              Cheese, cashel blue
                        Soft-ripened cheese with white and blue mould (cambozola type)
                        Soft-ripened cheese with natural rind and other soft-ripened cheeses
                              Cheese, banon
                              Cheese, fleur de maquis
                              Cheese, harzer
                              Cheese, robiola
                  Firm - ripened cheeses
                        Firm/semi-hard cheese (gouda and edam type)
                              Cheese, abondance
                              Cheese, appenzeller
                              Cheese, arzua ulloa
                              Cheese, asiago
                              Cheese, baita friuli
                              Cheese, beaufort
                              Cheese, bica
                              Cheese, bra
                              Cheese, bundnerkase
                              Cheese, butterkase
                              Cheese, caerphilly
                              Cheese, cantal
                              Cheese, carrigaline
                              Cheese, cheshire
                              Cheese, chimay
                              Cheese, cornish yarg
                              Cheese, cream havarti
                              Cheese, danbo
                              Cheese, derby
                              Cheese, double gloucester
                              Cheese, doux de montagne
                              Cheese, edam
                              Cheese, esrom
                              Cheese, fontina
                              Cheese, gjetost
                              Cheese, gouda
                              Cheese, graddost
                              Cheese, herrgardost
                              Cheese, hushallsost
                              Cheese, ibores
                              Cheese, jarlsberg
                              Cheese, kasseri
                              Cheese, kurpianka smoked
                              Cheese, lancashire
                              Cheese, lappi
                              Cheese, leicester
                              Cheese, lubelski
                              Cheese, maasdam
                              Cheese, marechal
                              Cheese, mimolette
                              Cheese, morbier
                              Cheese, morski
                              Cheese, nagelkaas
                              Cheese, nisa
                              Cheese, nokkelost
                              Cheese, oltermanni
                              Cheese, ossau-iraty
                              Cheese, passendale
                              Cheese, piacentinu
                              Cheese, podlaski
                              Cheese, prastost
                              Cheese, provolone
                              Cheese, raclette
                              Cheese, raschera
                              Cheese, saint nectaire
                              Cheese, saint paulin
                              Cheese, sao jorge
                              Cheese, scamorza
                              Cheese, smoked gouda
                              Cheese, tete de moine
                              Cheese, tetilla
                              Cheese, tilsit
                              Cheese, toma piemontese
                              Cheese, tomme de savoie
                              Cheese, torta del casar
                              Cheese, trappist
                              Cheese, tronchon
                              Cheese, turunmaa
                              Cheese, vacherin fribourgeois
                              Cheese, vasterbotten
                              Cheese, vignerons
                              Cheese, wensleydale
                              Cheese, white stilton
                        Hard cheese (cheddar, emmental type)
                              Cheese, aged graviera
                              Cheese, cacio di fossa
                              Cheese, canestrato pugliese
                              Cheese, castelmagno
                              Cheese, cheddar
                              Cheese, coolea
                              Cheese, emmental
                              Cheese, evora
                              Cheese, gruyere
                              Cheese, hoch ybrig
                              Cheese, iberico
                              Cheese, idiazabal
                              Cheese, kefalotyri
                              Cheese, leyden
                              Cheese, lincolnshire poacher
                              Cheese, mahon
                              Cheese, majorero
                              Cheese, montasio
                              Cheese, monte veronese
                              Cheese, murcia
                              Cheese, pecorino toscano
                              Cheese, roncal
                              Cheese, samsoe
                              Cheese, schabziger
                        Extra hard cheese (parmesan, grana type)
                              Cheese, afuega'l pitu
                              Cheese, bitto della valtellina
                              Cheese, caciocavallo
                              Cheese, comte
                              Cheese, fiore sardo
                              Cheese, formai de mut
                              Cheese, grana padano
                              Cheese, manchego
                              Cheese, parmigiano reggiano
                              Cheese, pecorino romano
                              Cheese, ragusano
                              Cheese, san simon
                              Cheese, sbrinz
                              Cheese, ubriaco
                              Cheese, zamorano
                        Firm-ripened blue mould-veined cheese
                              Cheese, bleu d'auvergne
                              Cheese, bleu de gex
                              Cheese, cabrales
                              Cheese, fourme d'ambert
                              Cheese, gamonedo
                              Cheese, gorgonzola
                              Cheese, monje picon
                              Cheese, roquefort
                              Cheese, shropshire blue
                              Cheese, stilton
                              Cheese, valdeon
                        Firm-ripened bloomy (white mould) or washed rind cheese
                              Cheese, amarelo
                              Cheese, ardrahan
                              Cheese, buche de chevre
                              Cheese, gubbeen
                              Cheese, livarot
                              Cheese, pont l'eveque
                              Cheese, reblochon
                        Firm-ripened cheese with added herbs, spices or other ingredients
            Processed cheese and spreads
                  Processed cheese wedges and similar
                  Processed cheese, sliceable
                  Processed cheese, spreadable
                  Other processed cheese
            Cheese rind
      Dairy dessert and similar
            Dairy desserts spoonable
                  Starchy pudding
                  Other desserts spoonable
            Dairy ice creams and similar
                  Ice cream, milk-based
                  Ice cream, milk-imitate based
                  Frozen yoghurt
                  Other ice cream and similar
            Baked milk and similar
            Dairy snacks
Eggs and egg products
      Unprocessed eggs
            Whole eggs
                  Hen eggs
                  Duck eggs
                  Geese eggs
                  Quail eggs
                        Common quail eggs
                        Japanese quail eggs
                  Eggs from other eggs producer birds
                        Turkey eggs
                        Seagull eggs
                        Emu eggs
                        Nandu eggs
                        Ostrich eggs
                        Eggs from other not listed eggs producer birds
            Liquid egg products
                  Egg mixed whole
                        Hen egg mixed whole
                  Egg yolk
                        Hen egg yolk
                  Egg  white
                        Hen egg  white
      Processed eggs
            Egg powder
                  Hen egg mixed whole, dried
                  Hen egg  yolk, dried
                  Hen egg  white, dried
            Hardened egg products
                  Boiled eggs
                  Fried eggs
                  Poached eggs
                  Manufactured solid egg roll
Sugar and similar, confectionery and water-based sweet desserts
      Sugar and other sweetening ingredients (excluding intensive sweeteners)
            Sugars (mono- and di-saccharides)
                  Sucrose (common sugar)
                        White sugar
                              Refined beet sugar
                              Refined cane sugar
                        Brown sugar
                              Brown beet sugar
                              Brown cane sugar
                        Flavoured sugar
                        Sugar, icing - powder
                  Mono- di-saccharides other than sucrose
            Syrups (molasses and other syrups)
                        Citrus molasses
                        Sorghum molasses
                        Sugar cane molasses
                        Sugar beet molasses
                        Barley malt syrup
                        Corn syrup
                        Sugar beet syrup
                  Honey, monofloral
                  Honey, polyfloral
                  Honey, blended
                  Honeydew honey
                  Comb honey
                  Minor honey types
            Other sweetening ingredients
                        Other polyols
      Table-top sweeteners formulations
            Table-top sweeteners in liquid form
            Table-top sweeteners in powder form
            Table-top sweeteners in tablets
      Confectionery including chocolate
            Chocolate and chocolate products
                  Chocolate and similar
                        Bitter chocolate
                              Bitter-sweet chocolate
                        Milk chocolate
                              Family chocolate
                              Cream chocolate
                        Couverture chocolate
                        White chocolate
                        Gianduja chocolate
                  Chocolate/cocoa-based products
                        Chocolate spread
                        Filled chocolate
                        Chocolate coated confectionery
                  Chocolate substitutes
            Candies (soft and hard)
                  Soft candies and analogues
                        Foamed sugar products (marshmallows)
                        Liquorice candies
                        Gum drops
                        Jelly candies
                        Chewing gum
                  Hard candies
                        Dragée, sugar coated
            Sweet bars and other formed sweet masses
                  Nuts-seeds based halva
                  Sugar cotton
                  Caramel, hard
                  Quince cheese
            Basic sweet masses
                  Marzipan raw mass
                  Liquorice mass
                  Chocolate mass
                  White nougat mass
                  Nougat raw mass
                  Marshmallow mass
                  Fondant mass
                  Brittle mass
                  Truffle mass
                  Meringue mixture
                  Nut mass
                  Macaroon mass
                  Florentine biscuit mass
                  Oil seed mass
                  Caramel, soft
      Water-based sweet desserts
            Water-based desserts spoonable
                  Dessert halva
                  Gelatine dessert
            Water-based  ice creams
Animal and vegetable fats and oils and primary derivatives thereof
      Animal and vegetable fats/oils
            Vegetable fats and oils, edible
                  Olive oils
                        Olive oil, virgin or extra-virgin
                        Olive oil, refined
                        Olive pomace oil
                  Seed oils
                        Rape seed oil, edible
                        Soya bean oil, refined
                        Maize oil, edible
                        Cotton seed oil, edible
                        Peanut oil, edible
                        Safflower seed oil, edible
                        Sesame seed oil, edible
                        Sunflower seed oil, edible
                        Almond oil
                        Grape seed oil
                        Linseed oil
                        Pumpkinseed oil
                        Walnut oil
                  Other plant oils
                        Coconut oil/fat
                        Palm oil/fat
                        Palm kernel oil, edible
                        Wheat germ oil
                        Cocoa butter
                        Shea butter
            Animal fats and oils (processed fat from animal tissue)
                  Fats and oils from terrestrial animals
                        Pork lard
                        Beef tallow (including processed suet)
                        Buffalo tallow
                        Camel tallow
                        Sheep tallow
                        Goat tallow
                        Horse tallow
                        Chicken fat, processed
                        Duck fat, processed
                        Goose fat, processed
                        Turkey fat, processed
                  Fats and oils from marine animals
                        Processed fat (blubber) of marine mammals
                        Fish oil
                              Herring oil
                              Sardine oil
                              Cod liver oil
            Dairy fats
                  Cow milk fat (not emulsified)
                        Butter oil
                  Milk fat from other animals
                        Buffalo milk fat
                        Camel milk fat
                        Goat milk fat
                        Sheep milk fat
      Fat emulsions and blended fats
            Margarines and similar
                  Traditional margarine
                  Blended margarine
                  Functional vegetable margarines/fats
            Blended fat and oils
                  Blended frying oil/fats
                  Butter and margarine/oil blends
                  Shortening and similar baking fats
Fruit and vegetable juices and nectars (including concentrates)
      Fruit / vegetable juices and nectars
            Fruit juices (100% from named source)
                  Mixed fruit juice
                        Juice, mixed fruit
                        Juice, apple-grape
                        Juice, apple-cherry
                        Juice, orange-grapefruit
                        Juice, peach-apricot
                        Juice, strawberry-cherry
                        Juice, mandarin-banana
                        Juice, apricot-orange
                        Juice, orange-peach
                        Juice, berry-grape
                  Juice, apple
                  Juice, orange
                  Juice, cranberry
                  Juice, apricot
                  Juice, grapefruit
                  Juice, pineapple
                  Other fruit juices
                        Juice, black currant
                              Juice, cassis
                        Juice, blackberry
                        Juice, citrus
                        Juice, elderberry
                        Juice, grape
                        Juice, guava
                        Juice, lemon
                        Juice, lime
                        Juice, mango
                        Juice, nectarine
                        Juice, passion fruit
                        Juice, peach
                        Juice, pear
                        Juice, pomegranate
                        Juice, prune
                        Juice, red currant
            Fruit nectars (min. 25-50% fruit as defined in EU legislation)
                  Nectar, apricot
                  Nectar, apple
                  Other fruit nectars
                        Nectar, banana
                        Nectar, orange
                        Nectar, peach
                        Nectar, pear
                        Nectar, pineapple
                        Mixed fruit nectars
                  Nectar, mango
            Vegetable juices
                  Juice, tomato
                  Juice, carrot
                  Other vegetable juices
                        Juice, celery
                        Juice, beetroot
                        Juice, white cabbage
                        Juice, potato
                        Juice, cucumber
                        Juice, turnip
                  Mixed vegetable juice
                        Juice, tomato-leafy vegetables
                        Juice, tomato-carrot
                        Juice, multi-vegetable
            Other (mixed) fruit and vegetable juices or nectars
                  Mixed fruit and vegetable juices
                        Juice, apple-carrot
                        Juice, multi-fruit-carrot
                        Other mixed fruit and vegetable juices
                  Mixed juices with added ingredients
                        Fruit smoothies
                        Multivitamin juices
      Concentrated or dehydrated fruit/vegetables juices
            Fruit/vegetable juice concentrate 
                  Fruit juice concentrates
                        Juice concentrate, apricots
                        Juice concentrate, blackberry
                        Juice concentrate, blueberry
                        Juice concentrate, black currant
                        Juice concentrate, red currant
                        Juice concentrate, cranberry
                        Juice concentrate, gooseberry
                        Juice concentrate, grape
                        Juice concentrate, mandarin
                        Juice concentrate, orange
                        Juice concentrate, peach
                        Juice concentrate, plum
                        Juice concentrate, raspberry
                        Juice concentrate, strawberry
                        Juice concentrate, sweet cherry
                  Vegetable juice concentrate
            Fruit/vegetable juice powder
                  Dehydrated/powdered fruit juice
                  Dehydrated/powdered vegetable juice
      Liquid or gel separated from plant RPCs
            Aloe vera juice
            Coconut water
      Extracts of plant origin
            Liquid extract of plant origin
                  Coconut milk (cocos nucifera) liquid
            Powdered extract of plant origin
                  Coconut milk powder
Water and water-based beverages
      Drinking water
            Unbottled water
                  Tap water
                        Ice from tap water
                  Filtered tap water
                  Well water
            Bottled water
                  Natural mineral water
                        Still natural mineral water
                        Carbonated natural mineral water
                  Bottled drinking water
                        Still bottled drinking water
                        Carbonated bottled drinking water
                  Flavoured bottled water
                  Fortified bottled water
      Water based beverages
            Soft drinks
                  Soft drinks with minor amounts of fruits or flavours
                        Soft drink, with fruit juice (fruit content below the minimum for nectars)
                              Diet soft drinks with fruit juice
                              Fruit soft drink, currant red
                              Fruit soft drink, currant white
                              Fruit soft drink, gooseberry
                              Fruit soft drink, grape red
                              Fruit soft drink, grape white
                              Fruit soft drink, grapefruit
                              Fruit soft drink, mango
                              Fruit soft drink, mulberry
                              Fruit soft drink, nectarine
                              Fruit soft drink, orange
                              Fruit soft drink, papaya
                              Fruit soft drink, peach
                              Fruit soft drink, pear
                              Fruit soft drink, pineapple
                              Fruit soft drink, plum
                              Fruit soft drink, pomegranate
                              Fruit soft drink, raspberry
                              Fruit soft drink, mixed fruit
                        Soft drink, flavoured, no fruit
                              Diet soft drinks with flavours
                              Soft drink with bitter principle
                              Soft drink, apple flavour
                              Soft drink, apricot flavour
                              Soft drink, banana flavour
                              Soft drink, cherry flavour
                              Soft drink, flavoured with herbs
                              Soft drink, grapefruit flavour
                              Soft drink, lemon flavour
                              Soft drink, lime flavour
                              Soft drink, mixed flavours
                              Soft drink, orange flavour
                              Soft drink, pear flavour
                              Soft drink, pineapple flavour
                              Soft drink, raspberry flavour
                              Soft drink, mango flavour
                  Cola-type drinks
                        Cola beverages, caffeinic
                              Diet soft drink with caffeine
                        Cola mix, flavoured cola
                        Cola beverages, decaffeinated
            Functional drinks
                  Energy drinks
                  Isotonic and sport drinks
      Beverages concentrates
            Drink mixes
                  Liquid drink bases (including concentrates and home-made preparations)
                  Powdered drink bases
Alcoholic beverages
      Beer and beer-like beverage
                  Lager beer
                        Beer, strong
                        Beer, regular
                        Beer, light
                        Beer, alcohol-free
                  Ale beer
                        Pale ale beer
                        Dark ale beer
                  Stout beer
                  Wheat beer
            Beer-like beverages
                  Low-malt beers
                  Mixed beer drinks
      Wine and wine-like drinks
                  Wine, white
                  Wine, red
                  Wine, rosé
                  Sparkling wine
                        Champagne-like wine
                        Red or rosé sparkling wine
            Wine-like drinks
                  Other wine-like fruit drinks
            Dessert wines
                  Ice wine and raisin wine
                        Raisin wine
                        Ice wine
                        Noble rot wine
                  Fortified and liqueur wines
      Mixed alcoholic drinks
            Cocktail drink
            Alcopop and flavoured wine
            Other mixed alcoholic drinks
                  Mixtures of beer with other alcoholic drinks
      Unsweetened spirits and liqueurs
            Unsweetened spirits
                  Spirits not from fruit
                        Tequila and similar spirits
                        Vodka and vodka-like spirits
                  Spirits from fruit
                        Spirits made from fruits other than stone fruits
                        Spirits made from stone fruits
                  Unsweetened flavoured spirits
                  Fruit liqueur
                  Herb liqueur
                  Chocolate liqueur
                  Coffee liqueur
                  Egg liqueur
                  Cream liqueur
                  Other liqueurs
                        Coconut cream liqueur
                        Milk liqueur
Coffee, cocoa, tea and infusions
      Coffee, cocoa, tea and herbal ingredients
            Coffee ingredients
                  Coffee beans and similar-
                        Coffee beans, green
                              Arabian coffee beans
                              Excelsa coffee beans
                              Robusta coffee beans
                  Coffee RPC derivatives
                        Coffee beans, roasted
                        Coffee beans, roasted and decaffeinated
                        Coffee ground, roasted
                        Coffee ground, roasted and decaffeinated
                        Liquid coffee concentrate
                        Instant coffee powder
                        Instant coffee powder, decaffeinated
                  Coffee beverage-preparation, powder
            Coffee imitate ingredients
                  Mixed coffee imitates
                  Malt coffee ingredient
                  Chicory coffee ingredient
                  Minor imitate coffee ingredients
                        Rye coffee ingredient
                        Wheat coffee ingredient
                        Barley coffee ingredient
                        Fig coffee ingredient
                        Sugar beet coffee ingredient
            Cocoa ingredients
                  Cocoa beans and similar-
                        Cocoa beans (fermented or dried)
                        Kola nuts
                              Abata cola nuts
                              Bitter cola nuts
                  Cocoa ingredients (RPC derivatives)
                        Cocoa powder
                        Cocoa mass
                  Cocoa beverage-preparation, powder
            Tea leaves and tea ingredients
                  Teas  and similar-
                        Green tea leaves
                  Tea RPC derivatives
                        Tea leaves and stalks, fermented
                              Tea leaves and stalks decaffeinated
                              Tea leaves and stalks with fruit and flavours
                        Tea powder ingredients and extracts
                              Instant tea powder
                              Instant tea powder decaffeinated
            Herbal infusion materials (generic)
            Herbal infusion materials from leaves and herbs
                  Strawberry infusion leaves and similar-
                        Strawberry infusion leaves
                        Wormwoods infusion leaves
                              Absinth infusion leaves
                              Mugwort infusion leaves
                              Roman wormwood infusion leaves
                              Southernwood infusion leaves
                        Agrimony infusion leaves
                        Alfalfa infusion leaves
                        Aloe leaf gel (pulp)
                        Alpine ladies mantle infusion leaves
                        Bearberry infusion leaves
                        Bilberry infusion leaves
                        Birch infusion leaves
                        Bitter orange infusion leaves
                        Blackberry infusion leaves
                        Boldu infusion leaves
                        Buchu infusion leaves
                        Buckwheat infusion leaves
                        Catmint infusion leaves
                        Centaury infusion leaves
                        Chiretta infusion leaves
                        Clary sage infusion leaves
                        Clubmoss infusion leaves
                        Common speedwell infusion leaves
                        Common vervain infusion leaves
                        Cornflower infusion leaves
                        Cowberry infusion leaves
                        Currant (black, red and white) infusion leaves
                              Blackcurrant infusion leaves
                              Redcurrant infusion leaves
                        Damiana infusion leaves
                        Downy hemp nettle infusion leaves
                        Echinacea infusion leaves
                              Narrow-leaf echinacea infusion leaves
                              Pale echinacea infusion leaves
                              Purple echinacea infusion leaves
                        Elder infusion leaves
                        Eucalyptus infusion leaves
                        Eyebright infusion leaves
                        Field horsetail infusion leaves
                        Fumitory infusion leaves
                        GoatÂŽs rue infusion leaves
                        Golden root infusion leaves
                        Goldenrod infusion leaves
                        Ground ivy infusion leaves
                        Gymnema infusion leaves
                        Hairy rupturewort infusion leaves
                        Hawthorn infusion leaves
                        Hazelnut infusion leaves
                        Hearts ease infusion leaves
                        Heather infusion leaves
                        Hemp infusion leaves
                              Common hemp infusion leaves
                              Ruderalis hemp infusion leaves
                        Herb bennet infusion leaves
                        Holy thistle infusion leaves
                        Horehound infusion leaves
                        Horse-chestnut infusion leaves
                        Ironwort infusion leaves
                        Jiaogulan infusion leaves
                        Knotgrass infusion leaves
                        Ladies mantle infusion leaves
                        Lemon myrtle infusion leaves
                        Lemon myrtle
                        Lemon verbena infusion leaves
                        Lime infusion leaves
                              Small-leaf linden infusion leaves
                              Big-leaf linden infusion leaves
                              Silver linden infusion leaves
                        Mallow infusion leaves
                        Marshmallow infusion leaves
                        Meadowsweet infusion leaves
                        Mistletoe infusion leaves
                        Moldavian dragonhead infusion leaves
                        Mulberry (black and white) infusion leaves
                              White mulberry infusion leaves
                              Black mulberry infusion leaves
                        Mullein infusion leaves
                        Norway spruce infusion leaves
                        Oat infusion leaves
                        Olive infusion leaves
                        Papaya infusion leaves
                        Passion flower infusion leaves
                        Plantain infusion leaves
                        Raspberry (red and yellow) infusion leaves
                        Red clover infusion leaves
                        Ribwort plantain infusion leaves
                        Rock rose infusion leaves
                        Shepherd’s purse infusion leaves
                        Silverweed infusion leaves
                        Smooth rupturewort infusion leaves
                        St. JohnÂŽs Wort infusion leaves
                        Sweet blackberry  infusion leaves
                        Sweet orange infusion leaves
                        Sweet trefoil infusion leaves
                        Sweet woodruff infusion leaves
                        Tansy infusion leaves
                        Tea tree infusion leaves
                        Toadflax  infusion leaves
                        Walnut infusion leaves
                              Eastern black walnut infusion leaves
                              Common walnut infusion leaves
                        White deadnettle infusion leaves
                        Wild angelica infusion leaves
                        Wild strawberry infusion leaves
                        Willow herb infusion leaves
                        Witch hazel infusion leaves
                        Wood betony infusion leaves
                        Yarrow infusion leaves
                        Yellow bedstraw infusion leaves
                        Yellow sweet clover infusion leaves
                  Rooibos  and similar-
                              Common honeybush tea
                              Mountain tea
                              Heidelberg tea
                              Vlei tea
                  Mate and similar-
                        Mate infusion material
                        Gingko infusion material
                        Noni infusion material
                  Other Herbal infusion materials from leaves and herbs
            Herbal infusion materials from flowers
                  Chamomile and similar-
                              Common chamomile
                              German chamomile
                  Hibiscus infusion flowers and similar-
                        Hibiscus infusion flowers
                  Rose infusion flowers  and similar-
                        Rose infusion flowers
                        Almond infusion flowers
                        Bee balm infusion flowers
                        Bitter orange infusion flowers
                        Black locust infusion flowers
                        Cat’s foot infusion flowers
                        Chrysanthemum infusion flowers
                        Cinnamon infusion flowers
                        Clary sage infusion flowers
                        Cornflower infusion flowers
                        Cowslip infusion flowers
                        Daisy infusion flowers
                        Dyer’s broom infusion flowers
                        Elder infusion flowers
                        Field poppy infusion flowers
                        Great mullein infusion flowers
                        Hawthorn infusion flowers
                        Heather infusion flowers
                        Hollyhock infusion flowers
                        Horse-chestnut infusion flowers
                        Larkspur infusion flowers
                        Lavender infusion flowers
                        Mallow infusion flowers
                        Meadow sweet infusion flowers
                        Mullein infusion flowers
                        Orange infusion flowers
                        Peony infusion flowers
                        Red clover infusion flowers
                        Sacred lotus infusion flowers
                        Safflower infusion flowers
                        Sandy everlasting infusion flowers
                        St. John's wort infusion flowers
                        Sunflower infusion flowers
                        Sweet olive infusion flowers
                        Sweet violet infusion flowers
                        White deadnettle infusion flowers
                        Yarrow infusion flowers
                        Ylang-ylang infusion flowers
                  Jasmine infusion flowers  and similar-
                        Common jasmine  infusion flowers
                        Arabian jasmine  infusion flowers
                  Lime infusion flowers and similar-
                        Lime infusion flowers
                              Small-leaf linden infusion flowers
                              Big-leaf linden infusion flowers
                              Silver linden infusion flowers
                  Other Herbal infusion materials from flowers
            Herbal infusion materials from roots
                  Valerian infusion roots and similar-
                        Valerian infusion roots
                        Blue flag infusion roots
                        Calamus infusion roots
                        Couch grass infusion roots
                        Cowslip infusion roots
                        Echinacea infusion roots
                              Narrow-leaf echinacea infusion roots
                              Pale echinacea infusion roots
                              Purple echinacea infusion roots
                        Elecampane infusion roots
                        Fragrant sumac infusion roots
                        Golden root infusion roots
                        Herb bennet infusion roots
                        Marshmallow infusion roots
                        Mexican valerian infusion roots
                        Pimpernel infusion roots
                        Rhatany infusion roots
                        Sarsaparilla infusion roots
                        Seneca snakeroot infusion roots
                        Tormentil infusion roots
                        Angelica root, dry
                  Ginseng  and similar-
                        Ginseng infusion roots
                              Asian ginseng infusion roots
                              American ginseng infusion roots
                        Siberian ginseng infusion roots
                  Other Herbal infusion materials from roots
            Materials for infusions or hot drinks of miscellaneous origin
                  Carobs and similar-
                  Herbal infusion materials from any other parts of the plant
                        Blond psyllium (infusion seeds, husks)
                        Chamomile (infusion seeds)
                        Cherries (sweet) (infusion stems)
                        China (infusion bark)
                              Chinabark (infusion bark)
                              Red cinchona (infusion bark)
                        Cocoa (infusion husks)
                        Condurango (infusion bark)
                        Dwarf mountain pine (infusion shoots)
                        Fir (infusion shoots)
                        Fleawort (infusion seeds)
                        Fragrant sumac (infusion bark)
                        Guarana (infusion seeds)
                        Hibiscus (infusion seeds)
                        Horse-chestnut (infusion seeds, bark)
                        Juniper (infusion bark, wood, shoots)
                        Lapacho (infusion bark)
                        Lignum vitae (infusion bark, wood)
                        Parsley (infusion fruits)
                        Purging cassia (infusion fruits)
                        Quassia (infusion bark, wood)
                        Red sandalwood (infusion bark, wood)
                        Soap-bark tree (infusion bark)
                        Sour cherry (infusion stems)
                        Sweet corn (stigmas styles)
                        Wild angelica (infusion fruits)
                        Witch hazel (infusion bark)
                        Other herbal infusion materials from any other parts of the plant
            Unspecified hot drink ingredients
                  Leaves (tea and other) used for infusions or hot drinks
                  Seeds (coffee, cocoa and similar) used for infusions or hot drinks
                  Flowers used for infusions or hot drinks
                  Roots used for infusions or hot drinks
                  Derivatives of coffee, cocoa, tea and similar RPCs
                  Hot drinks and infusions composite ingredients
      Hot drinks and similar (coffee, cocoa, tea and herbal drinks)
            Coffee beverages
                  Coffee espresso type (strong) beverage
                  Coffee (average strenght) beverage
                  Coffee (weak strenght) beverage
                  Instant coffee (beverage)
                  Coffee beverage decaffeinated
                  Coffee with milk or cream
                        Coffee drink, cappuccino
                        Coffee drink, café macchiato
                  Iced coffee
            Coffee imitate beverages
                  Malt coffee infusion
                  Chicory coffee infusion
                  Minor coffee imitates infusions
                        Rye coffee infusion
                        Wheat coffee infusion
                        Barley coffee infusion
                        Fig coffee infusion
                        Sugar beet coffee infusion
                        Mixed coffee imitates infusion
            Cocoa beverages
                  Hot chocolate
                  Hot chocolate with added ingredients
            Tea beverages
                  Tea infusion (black, white)
                  Green tea, infusion
                  Tea, decaffeinated, infusion
                  Tea infusion with added flavouring ingredients
            Herbal and other non-tea infusions
                  Camomile infusion
                  Jasmine infusion
                  Fruit infusion
                  Roselle infusion
                  Rose infusion
                  Elderflowers infusion
                  Lime blossoms infusion
                  Strawberry leaves infusion
                  Maté infusion
                  Lemon verbena infusion
                  Rooibos infusion
                  Gingko infusion
                  Valerian root infusion
                  Ginseng root infusion
Food products for young population
      Infant and follow-on formulae
            Infant formulae
                  Infant formulae, powder
                        Infant formula, milk-based, powder
                        Infant formula, soya-based, powder
                        Infant formula, milk and soya-based, powder
                        Infant formula, based on protein hydrolysates, powder
                  Infant formulae, liquid
                        Infant formula, milk-based, liquid
                        Infant formula, soya-based, liquid
                        Infant formula, milk and soya-based, liquid
                        Infant formula, based on protein hydrolysates, liquid
            Follow-on formulae
                  Follow-on formulae, powder
                        Follow-on formula, milk-based, powder
                        Follow-on formula, soya-based, powder
                        Follow-on formula, milk and soya-based, powder
                        Follow-on formula, based on protein hydrolysates, powder
                  Follow-on formulae, liquid
                        Follow-on formula, milk-based, liquid
                        Follow-on formula, soya-based, liquid
                        Follow-on formula, milk and soya-based, liquid
                        Follow-on formula, based on protein hydrolysates, liquid
      Ready-to-eat meal for infants and young children
            Ready-to-eat meat-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat fish-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat dairy-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat cereal-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat fruit-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat vegetable-based meal for children
            Ready-to-eat mixed meal for children
      Processed cereal-based food for infants and young children
            Cereals with an added high protein food which have to be reconstituted with water or other protein-free liquid
            Cereals with an added high protein food reconstituted
            Simple cereals which have to be reconstituted with milk or other appropriate nutritious liquids
            Simple cereals for infants or children, reconstituted
            Biscuits, rusks and cookies for children
            Pasta for children (dry, to be cooked)
      Other food for infants and children
            Teas and infusions specific for infants and young children
            Fruit and vegetable juices and nectars specific for infants and young children
            Special food for children's growth
Products for non-standard diets, food imitates and food supplements
      Food for particular diets
            Food for weight reduction
                  Total daily diet replacement for weight reduction
                  Single meal replacement for weight reduction
            Food for sporting people
                  Carbohydrate-rich energy food products for sports people
                  Carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions for sports people
                  Protein and protein components for sports people
                  Micronutrients supplement for sports people
                  Carnitine or creatine-based supplement for sports people
            Dietary foods for special medical purposes
                  Nutritionally complete formulae
                  Nutritionally incomplete formulae
                  Formulas for metabolic disorders
                  Oral rehydration products
      Food supplements and similar preparations
            Mixed supplements/formulations
            Vitamin and mineral supplements
                  Vitamin only supplements
                  Mineral only supplements
                  Combination of vitamin and mineral only supplements
            Miscellaneous supplements or nutraceuticals
                  Bee-produced formulations
                  Fiber supplements
                  Herbal formulations and plant extracts
                  Algae based formulations (e.g. Spirulina, chlorella)
                  Probiotic or prebiotic formulations
                  Formulations containing special fatty acids (e.g. Omega-3, essential fatty acids)
                  Protein and amino acids supplements
                  Coenzyme q10 formulations
                  Enzyme-based formulations
                  Yeast based formulations
                  Other common supplements
      Meat and dairy imitates
            Meat imitates
                  Textured soy protein
                  Textured fungal proteins
            Dairy imitates
                  Milk imitates
                        Soya drink
                        Almond drink
                        Oats drink
                        Rice drink
                        Rye drink
                        Spelt drink
                  Dairy imitates other than milks
                        Imitation cream
                        Non dairy coffee creamer
                        Soya yoghurt
                        Imitation cheese
                        Imitation yoghurt, non soy
Composite dishes
      Dishes, incl. Ready to eat meals (excluding soups and salads)
            Dishes excluding pasta or rice dishes, sandwiches and pizza)
                  Meat based dishes
                        Meat stew
                        Meat in aspic
                        Meat loaf
                              Pork meat loaf
                              Beef loaf
                              Meat loaf with cheese, vegetables  or other
                        Meat burger (no sandwich)
                        Meat balls
                        Meat terrine
                  Fish and seafood based dishes
                        Fish gratin
                        Seafood-based meals
                        Seafood salad
                        Prepared fish salad
                        Fish and potatoes meal
                        Fish and rice meal
                        Fish and vegetables meal
                        Fish pùté
                  Egg based dishes
                        Omelette, plain
                        Cheese omelette
                        Omelette with bacon
                        Omelette with vegetables
                        Omelette with mushrooms
                        Eggs benedict
                  Potato based dishes
                        Sheperd's pie
                        Potato casserole
                        Prepared potato salad
                        Potatoes and vegetables meal
                        Potatoes and meat meal
                        Potatoes, meat, and vegetables meal
                        Potatoes and cheese meal
                        Pan-fried potato
                        Fries (finger chips)
                              French fries from cut potato
                              French fries from dough
                        Potato puree
                              Potato puree from potatoes
                              Potato puree from flakes or powder
                        Potato croquettes
                  Legumes based dishes
                        Mushy peas
                        Tofu salad
                        Beans and meat meal
                        Beans and vegetables meal
                        Beans, meat, and vegetables meal
                  Mushroom based dishes
                  Vegetable based dishes
                        Creamed vegetable mix
                        Vegetable casserole
                        Veggie pot pie
                        Mixed vegetables, grilled
                        Mixed vegetables, fried
                        Mixed vegetables, braised
                        Mixed vegetables, boiled
                        Vegetables, gratinated
                        Vegetable soufflé
            Sandwiches, pizza and other stuffed bread-like cereal products
                  Sandwich and sandwich-like dishes
                        Sandwich with processed meat topping/filling
                        Sandwich with meat and vegetable topping/filling
                        Steak sandwich
                        Doner kebab
                        Hot dog with bread
                        Hamburger with bread
                        Sandwich with fish topping/filling
                        Sandwich with fish and vegetable topping/filling
                        Sandwich with cheese topping/filling
                        Sandwich with cheese and vegetable topping/filling
                        Sandwich with cheese, egg and vegetable topping/filling
                        Sandwich with vegetable topping/filling
                  Pizza and pizza-like dishes
                        Pizza and similar with processed meat topping
                        Pizza and similar with meat, and vegetables
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, meat, and mushrooms
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, meat, mushrooms, and vegetables
                        Pizza and similar with fish topping
                        Pizza and similar with cheese topping
                        Pizza and similar with vegetable topping
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, and vegetables
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, and vegetables and fruits
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, meat, and vegetables
                        Pizza and similar with cheese, and mushrooms
                  Savoury pies and tarts
                        Cheese savoury pie
                  Finger food
                        Meat-based canapé
                        Sausage roll
                        Fish-based canapé
                        Cheese-based canapé
                        Egg-based canapé
                        Filled canapé
                        Spring rolls
                        Vol au vent
                        Mushroom crostini
            Pastas and rice (or other cereal) –based dishes
                  Pasta-based dishes, uncooked
                  Pasta based dishes (cooked)
                        Pasta, plain (not stuffed), cooked
                              Pasta, cooked, with mixed sauce
                              Pasta, cooked, with vegetables
                              Pasta, cooked, with cheese/cream
                              Pasta, cooked, with vegetables and cheese/cream
                              Pasta, cooked, with mushroom sauce
                        Pasta, filled, cooked
                              Pasta, filled with meat mix, cooked
                              Pasta, filled with vegetable mix, cooked
                              Pasta, with mixed or unspecified filling, cooked
                  Rice based dishes dry, uncooked
                  Rice based dishes cooked
                        Rice and meat meal
                        Rice, meat, and vegetables meal
                        Milk rice
                        Nasi goreng
                        Rice pudding
                        Rice and vegetables meal
      Soups and salads
            Soups (dry mixture uncooked)
                  Meat/poultry soup, dry
                  Meat and vegetable soup, dry
                  Fish soup, dry
                  Dairy/egg soup, dry
                  Grains soup, dry
                  Potato soup, dry
                  Legume (beans) soup, dry
                  Onion soup, dry
                  Tomato soup, dry
                  Mushroom soup, dry
                  Mixed vegetables soup, dry
                  Fruit soup, dry
            Soups (ready-to-eat)
                  Meat soup
                        Meat soup, with pieces
                        Meat soup, clear
                  Fish soup
                  Dairy/egg soup
                  Grains soup
                  Corn semolina based thick soup
                  Potato soup
                  Legume (beans) soup
                  Onion soup
                  Tomato soup
                  Gazpacho and similar
                  Mushroom soup
                  Fruit soup
                  Mixed soups
                        Mixed vegetables soup
                              Mixed vegetables soup, with puree or pieces
                              Mixed vegetables soup, clear
                        Meat and vegetable soup
                              Meat and vegetable soup, with puree or pieces
                              Meat and vegetable soup, clear
                  Mixed green salad
                  Mixed vegetable salad
                  Ceasar salad
                  Greek salad
                  Prepared legume (beans) salad
                  Prepared pasta salad
                  Prepared rice salad
                  Prepared nut salad
                  Prepared meat salad
                  Prepared mixed egg/meat/fish/vegetable salad
                  Mushroom salad
                  Fruit salad
      Fried or extruded cereal or root-based products
            Chips, crisps, fries and dough-based analogues
                        Potato crisps or sticks
                              Potato crisps from potato slices
                              Potato crisps from dough
                        Corn chips
                        Tortilla chips
                        Rice chips
                  Puffs/curls-type extruded snack
                        Corn curls
            Snacks other than chips and similar
                  Mixed cereal-based snacks
                  Potato starch-based snacks
                  Tapioca starch-based snacks
Seasoning, sauces and condiments
      Seasonings and extracts
                        Salt, low sodium
                        Salt, iodised
                        Salt, fluoridated
                        Salt, iodised and fluoridated
                        Salt, flavoured
                        Sea salt
                  Seasoning mixes
                        Mixed herbs and spices
                        Curry powder
                        Bouquet garni
                        Garam masala
                        Pickling spice
      Savoury extracts and sauce ingredients
            Gravy ingredients
                  Gravy thickener
                  Gravy browning
                  Gravy instant granules
            Stock cubes or granulate (bouillon base)
                  Stock cubes or granulate, meat
                        Stock cubes or granulate, chicken
                        Stock cube or granulate, beef
                  Stock cubes or granulate, vegetables
            Taste enhancing RPC extracts
                  Hydrolysed animal proteins
                  Hydrolysed vegetable proteins
                  Miscellaneous savoury extracts
                        Vegetable savoury extracts
                        Meat extract
                        Malt extract
                        Yeast extract
      Condiments (including table-top formats)
                  Vinegar, wine
                  Balsamic vinegar and similar
                  Vinegar, apple
            Savoury sauces
                  Mayonnaise, hollandaise and related sauces
                        Mayonnaise sauce
                              Mayonnaise, low fat
                        Hollandaise type sauce
                        Tartar sauce
                  Tomato-containing cooking sauces
                  White sauces
                        Bechamel sauce
                        Cheese sauce
                        Cream sauce
                        Butter sauce
                  Continental european brown cooked sauce, gravy
                  Mustard and related sauces
                        Mustard, sweet
                        Mustard, mild
                        Mustard, hot
                  Barbecue or steak sauces
                  Sauces from fermented/hydrolised sources and similar
                        Soy sauce
                        Oyster sauce
                        Teriyaki sauce
                        Fish sauce
                        British islands brown sauce
                  Tomato ketchup and related sauces
                  Herbs/spices sauces
                        Tabasco sauce
                        Aioli or garlic sauce
                        Curry sauce
                        Horseradish sauce
                        Mint sauce
                        Herbs,vegetables and oil sauces
                  Vegetables-based cooked sauce
                        Mushrooms cooked sauce
                        Tomato chutney
                        Apple chutney
                        Cucumber chutney
                        Mango chutney
                        Mixed chutney
                        Piccalilly pickle
                        Chilli pickle
                        Lime pickle
                        Mango pickle
                        Mixed pickle
            Salad dressing
                  Salad dressing, low fat
      Dessert sauces/toppings
            Fruit sauce
            Chocolate sauce
            Fudge sauce
            Alcoholic sweet sauce
      Mixed and other not listed condiments
Major isolated ingredients, additives, flavours, baking and processing aids
      Isolated proteins and other protein products
            Milk protein
            Whey protein
            Soya proteins
            Maize starch
            Oat starch
            Rice starch
            Rye starch
            Wheat starch
                  Wheat starch, gluten free
            Potato starch
            Tapioca starch
      Maltodextrins and similars
      Inulin and other polyfructoses
      Food colours
            Natural food colour
            Artificial food colour
      Food flavours
                  Mint-chocolate flavour
                  Almond flavour
                  Amarena cherry flavour
                  Amaretto flavour
                  Anise flavour
                  Apple flavour
                  Apple green flavour
                  Apple red flavour
                  Apricot flavour
                  Apricot - peach flavour
                  Artichoke flavour
                  Avocado flavour
                  Bacon flavour
                  Balsamic vinegar flavour
                  Banana flavour
                  Barbeque flavour
                  Barley flavour
                  Basil flavour
                  Beef flavour
                  Beef soup flavour
                  Berries flavour
                  Bitter flavour
                  Black tea flavour
                  Blackberry flavour
                  Blackcurrant flavour
                  Blood orange flavour
                  Blue cheese flavour
                  Blueberry flavour
                  Bourbon flavour
                  Boysenberry flavour
                  Brandy flavour
                  Brandy orange flavour
                  Brittle flavour
                  Brown sugar flavour
                  Bubblegum flavour
                  Butter flavour
                  Buttermilk flavour
                  Butterscotch flavour
                  Café-au-lait flavour
                  Cappuccino flavour
                  Capsicum flavour
                  Caramel flavour
                  Cardamom  flavour
                  Carob flavouring
                  Carrot flavour
                  Cassis flavour
                  Celery flavour
                  Cereals flavour
                  Cheese flavour
                  Cheesecake flavour
                  Cherry flavour
                  Chestnut flavour
                  Chicken flavour
                  Chilli flavour
                  Chives flavour
                  Chocolate flavour
                  Chocolate dark flavour
                  Chocolate milk flavour
                  Cinnamon flavour
                  Citron flavour
                  Citrus flavour
                  Coconut flavour
                  Coffee flavour
                  Cola flavour
                  Cookies and cream flavour
                  Coriander flavour
                  Corn flavour
                  Crab flavour
                  Cranberry flavour
                  Cream flavour
                  Cream brulee flavour
                  Cucumber flavour
                  Cumin flavour
                  Currant flavour
                  Curry flavour
                  Egg yolk flavour
                  Eggnog flavour
                  Estragon flavour
                  Eucalyptus flavour
                  Exotic fruit flavour
                  Extra hot flavour
                  Feijoa flavour
                  Fennel flavour
                  Figs dried flavour
                  Fish flavour
                  Fresh milk flavour
                  Fruit flavour
                  Fruit cocktail flavour
                  Fruits of the forest flavour
                  Garlic flavour
                  Gianduia flavour
                  Gin flavour
                  Ginger flavour
                  Ginseng flavour
                  Grape  flavour
                  Grape concord flavour
                  Grapefruit flavour
                  Green tea flavour
                  Grenadine flavour
                  Guanabana flavour
                  Guarana flavour
                  Guava flavour
                  Ham flavour
                  Hazelnut flavour
                  Herb & garlic flavour
                  Herbal blend flavour
                  Herbs flavour
                  Hibyscus flavour
                  Honey flavour
                  Honey-cinnamon-flavored flavour
                  Horseradish flavour
                  Hot flavour
                  Hot & spicy flavour
                  Jackfruit flavour
                  Jasmine                flavour
                  Juniper flavour
                  Ketchup flavour
                  Kirsch flavour
                  Kiwi flavour
                  Leek flavour
                  Lemon flavour
                  Lemon myrtle flavour
                  Licorice flavour
                  Lime flavour
                  Macadamia flavour
                  Malaga / raisins flavour
                  Malt flavour
                  Mandarin flavour
                  Mango flavour
                  Maple flavour
                  Maraschino flavour
                  Marjoram flavour
                  Marsala flavour
                  Marzipan flavour
                  Masala hot  flavour
                  Mascarpone flavour
                  Meat flavour
                  Medium hot flavour
                  Melon flavour
                  Mild flavour
                  Milk flavour
                  Mint flavour
                  Mixed berry flavour
                  Mocca flavour
                  Muesli flavour
                  Muscat grapes flavour
                  Mushroom flavour
                  Mustard flavour
                  Nougat flavour
                  Nutella flavour
                  Nutmeg flavour
                  Nutty flavour
                  Onion flavour
                  Orange flavour
                  Oregano flavour
                  Oyster flavour
                  Papaya flavour
                  Paprika flavour
                  Parsley flavour
                  Passion fruit flavour
                  Pastry flavour
                  Peach flavour
                  Peanut flavour
                  Peanut butter flavour
                  Pear flavour
                  Pepper flavour
                  Peppermint flavour
                  Pimento flavour
                  Pineapple flavour
                  Pistachio flavour
                  Plum flavour
                  Pomegranate flavour
                  Pork flavour
                  Prune flavour
                  Pumpkin flavour
                  Quark flavour
                  Raffaello flavour
                  Raisins flavour
                  Raspberry flavour
                  Red fruit flavour
                  Red orange flavour
                  Rhubarb flavour
                  Roast flavour
                  Rose  flavour
                  Rosemary flavour
                  Rum flavour
                  Rum-raisin flavour
                  Sage flavour
                  Sea buckthorn flavour
                  Sherry flavour
                  Shrimp flavour
                  Smoke flavour
                  Soup flavour
                  Sour flavour
                  Sour cream flavour
                  Sour cream cherry flavour
                  Spearmint  flavour
                  Spice mix flavour
                  Spinach flavour
                  Stracciatella flavour
                  Strawberry flavour
                  Strawberry yogurt flavour
                  Sultanas flavour
                  Sundried tomato flavour
                  Sweet flavour
                  Sweet and sour flavour
                  Sweet chilli flavour
                  Tamarind flavour
                  Tandoori flavour
                  Tangerine flavour
                  Tea black flavour
                  Tea green flavour
                  Tequila flavour
                  Thyme flavour
                  Tiramisu' flavour
                  Toffee flavour
                  Tomato flavour
                  Tonic flavour
                  Tropical flavour
                  Truffle flavour
                  Vanilla  flavour
                  Vanillin flavour
                  Walnut flavour
                  Wasabi flavour
                  Watermelon flavour
                  Whiskey flavour
                  Wild berry flavour
                  Wild strawberry flavour
                  Wine flavour
                  Woodruff flavour
                  Yoghurt flavour
                  Zabaglione flavour
                  Mastic gum flavour
            Essences and extracts
                  Almond essence
                  Vanilla essence
                        Vanilla pods extract
                  Orange essence
                  Lemon essence
                  Rum essence
                  Liquorice extract
      Food additives other than flavours, colours and artificial sweeteners
            Flavour enhancer
            Modified starch
            Other regulated additives
                  Gelling agent
                  Acidity regulator
                  Anti-caking agent
                  Anti-foaming agent
                  Glazing agent
                  Emulsifying salts
                  Flour treatment agent
                  Firming agent
                  Bulking agent
                  Propellent gas
      Miscellaneous agents for food processing
            Home-preparation aids
                  Preparations for raising and flavouring home-made bakery
                  Preparations for gelling home-made food
                  Preparations for pickling vegetables
                  Preparations for food flavouring
            Processing aids
            Enzymes for food manufacture
            Live microorganisms for food production
                  Starter cultures
                  Yeast cultures
                        Baking yeast
                        Sourdough starter
                  Mould or micro-fungal cultures
Other ingredients
      Artificial sweeteners (e.g., aspartam, saccharine)
            Acesulfame k
            Steviol glucoside
            Vitamin A(retinol, carotenoids)
            Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
            Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
            Vitamin B3 (Niacin, niacinamide)
            Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
            Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal)
            Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
            Vitamin B9 (Folic acid, folinic acid)
            Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin)
            Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
            Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
            Vitamin E (Tocopherols, tocotrienols)
            Vitamin K (phylloquinone, menaquinones)
      Chemical elements
      Special fatty acids
            Omega-3 fatty acids
            Omega-6 fatty acids
      Dietary fibre
      Algae based fortifying agents (e.g. Spirulina, chlorella)
      Bee-produced fortifying agents
            Pollen (residues of vegetal pollens)
            Royal jelly
            Other edible apiculture products
      Co-factors to metabolism
            Enzymes for fortification