
From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 12:59, 15 December 2023 by Aleene (talk | contribs)

Every month a dashboard is created for a select set of countries. The dashboard presents a summary of the data situation for a country. The elements of this summary is presented here.

Total number of products


The histogram shows the total number of products for the country in question with the growth on previous month as a percentage.



The pie-chart shows the percentage of products with and without a (calculated) Nutriscore. For the products that have a Nutriscore, the subdivision by score is shown.


Nutritional Values

The calculation of the Nutriscore is based on the availability of a category and the nutritional values. The Nutritional values piechart shows, which percentage of products have this data available. Read this as green is good and red is bad.



The pie-chart shows the percentage of products with and without a (calculated) NOVA. For the products that have a NOVA, the subdivision by score is shown.


Data quality


Supported countries