Student projects/GSOC/2017 ideas list

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 19:12, 14 February 2016 by Teolemon (talk | contribs)


Here is the list of proposed projects for OpenFoodFacts. Further description and mentor can be asked on Slack (

Integrate a cloud-based OCR into Product Opener

  • Process all uploaded images proactively using Tesseract and/or the New Cloud based engine
  • Store JSON and return a processed version to mobile client and/or web client for suggestions to the user
  • Add support to search into OCR results
  • Create a mini-game to let users turn the Raw OCR into data

Mentor:Stéphane or Laurent

Create a power contribution tool

Mentor:depending on your tech choice
Language:Any web language (Rail, Python, Backend JS framework)

Create an Open Food Facts mobile game

Language: Java, Swift/ObjC or Web technologies (Cordova…)


  • Name or pseudonym - Skills - Available time for mentoring
  • Add yourself !