
From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 19:27, 20 March 2019 by Cjk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are currently 29 different states that products can have. == Introduction == States show the various levels of verification a product has gone through. Multiple state...")
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There are currently 29 different states that products can have.


States show the various levels of verification a product has gone through. Multiple states might be assigned to a product, a very common one is for example "To be completed" on a new product page. The list of states and number of products assigned to each can be retrieved from the Open Food Facts website at


Product name completed

Expiration date to be completed

Packaging code to be completed

To be completed

Nutrition facts completed

Characteristics to be completed

Packaging to be completed

Photos uploaded

Quantity to be completed

Categories to be completed

Brands completed

Photos to be validated

Ingredients completed

Ingredients to be completed

Brands to be completed

Categories completed

Quantity completed

Photos to be uploaded

Photos validated

Packaging completed

Characteristics completed

Nutrition facts to be completed


To be checked

Expiration date completed

Packaging code completed

Product name to be completed

