Product Opener/Pending deployments

From Open Food Facts wiki

This page tracks all the pending deployments. Please delete obsolete things as you deploy them.

Open Food Facts

Last deploy date to production: Last deploy date to development: Automated

Static content to be deployed

  • Add link to graphs help page (#3552)
  • New APK logo more in line with the others (#3535) … [DONE - Pierre]
  • fix-to-the-guide (#3553) [DONE - Pierre]
  • Fix the link to useful queries (#3551)
  • fix contributor link in the Who We Are page (#3547) [DONE - Pierre]
  • openfoodfacts/make-the-page-edge-to-edge
  • Update lang/en/texts/better-food-choices-for-a-better-health-lets-mob… …
  • fix: typo in partners.html (#3534)
  • Turn the contact us into a more visible CTA (#3526)
  • Update the taglines (#3520)
  • make the page edge to edge

Open Beauty Facts

Last deploy date:

Static content to be deployed

Code to be deployed

Open Products Facts

Last deploy date:

Static content to be deployed

Code to be deployed

Open Pet Food Facts

Last deploy date:

Static content to be deployed

Code to be deployed