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Translations - Web site interface: Difference between revisions

added gr, ko, jp, th languages, open food hunt and nutrition grade / entry_date / last_modification_date tag fields
No edit summary
(added gr, ko, jp, th languages, open food hunt and nutrition grade / entry_date / last_modification_date tag fields)
Line 1: Line 1:
Go back to the main [[Translations]] page.
Go back to the main [[Translations]] page.

Line 4: Line 8:
You can edit it to add/fix translations.
You can edit it to add/fix translations.

Last synchronisation to live web site: February 20th, 2015.
Last synchronisation to live web site: March 11th, 2015.

Line 17: Line 21:
fi => 'fi',
fi => 'fi',
fr => 'fr',
fr => 'fr',
gr => 'gr',
he => 'he',
he => 'he',
ja => 'ja',
ko => 'ko',
nl => 'nl',
nl => 'nl',
ru => 'ru',
ru => 'ru',
Line 24: Line 31:
pt_pt => 'pt_pt',
pt_pt => 'pt_pt',
ro => 'ro',
ro => 'ro',
th => 'th',
vi => 'vi',
vi => 'vi',
zh => 'zh',
zh => 'zh',
Line 36: Line 44:
Line 43: Line 54:
'ro' => 'Română',
'ro' => 'Română',
'th' => 'ไทย',
'vi'=>'Tiếng Việt',
'vi'=>'Tiếng Việt',
Line 395: Line 407:
known_nutrients => {
known_nutrients => {
en => 'known-nutrients',
en => 'known-nutrient',
de => 'bekannte-naehrwerte',
de => 'bekannte-naehrwerte',
fr => 'nutriments-connus',
fr => 'nutriment-connu',
es => 'nutrientes-conocidos',
es => 'nutriente-conocido',
pt => 'nutrientes-conhecidos',
pt => 'nutriente-conhecido',
he => 'khomrey-mazon-yeduim',
he => 'khomrey-mazon-yeduim',
ro => 'nutrienti-cunoscuti',
ro => 'nutrienti-cunoscuti',
Line 405: Line 417:
unknown_nutrients => {
unknown_nutrients => {
en => 'unknown-nutrients',
en => 'unknown-nutrient',
de => 'unbekannte-naehrwerte',
de => 'unbekannte-naehrwerte',
fr => 'nutriments-inconnus',
fr => 'nutriment-inconnus',
es => 'nutrientes-desconocidos',
es => 'nutriente-desconocido',
pt => 'nutriente-desconhecido',
pt => 'nutriente-desconhecido',
he => 'khmorey-mazon-bilti-yeduim',
he => 'khmorey-mazon-bilti-yeduim',
Line 414: Line 426:
nl => 'onbekende-ingredienten',
nl => 'onbekende-ingredienten',
entry_dates => {
en => "entry-date",
fr => "date-d-ajout",
last_edit_dates => {
en => "last-edit-date",
fr => "date-de-derniere-modification",
nutrition_grades => {
en => "nutrition-grade",
fr => "note-nutritionnelle",

Line 778: Line 803:
ro => 'nutrienti-necunoscuti',
ro => 'nutrienti-necunoscuti',
nl => 'onbekende ingredienten',
nl => 'onbekende ingredienten',
entry_dates => {
en => "entry-dates",
fr => "dates-d-ajout",
last_edit_dates => {
en => "last-edit-dates",
fr => "dates-de-derniere-modification",
nutrition_grades => {
en => "nutrition-grades",
fr => "notes-nutritionnelles",
Line 854: Line 891:
he => 'איטלקית',
he => 'איטלקית',
nl => 'Italiaans',
nl => 'Italiaans',
lang_ja => {
en => 'Japanese',
fr => 'Japonais',
ja => '日本語',
lang_ko => {
en => 'Korean',
fr => 'Coréen',
ko => '한국어',

Line 895: Line 944:
ro => 'Portugheză',
ro => 'Portugheză',
nl => 'Portugees',
nl => 'Portugees',
lang_th => {
en => 'Thai',
fr => 'Thaï',
th => 'ไทย',

Line 2,679: Line 2,734:
ro => 'Acest nume de utilizator nu există.',
ro => 'Acest nume de utilizator nu există.',
he => 'שם משתמש זה לא קיים.',
he => 'שם משתמש זה לא קיים.',
de => 'Dieser Benutzername ist nicht vorhanden.',
nl => 'Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat niet',
nl => 'Deze gebruikersnaam bestaat niet',
de => 'Dieser Benutzername ist nicht gültig',
de => 'Dieser Benutzername ist nicht gültig',
Line 2,781: Line 2,835:
he => "קינדר בואנו לבן",
he => "קינדר בואנו לבן",
nl => 'Kinder Bueno White',
nl => 'Kinder Bueno White',
de => 'Kinder Bueno White',

Line 2,814: Line 2,867:
he => 'מותגים',  
he => 'מותגים',  
nl => 'Merken',
nl => 'Merken',
de => 'Marken',
brands_example => {
brands_example => {
Line 4,287: Line 4,339:
he => "מרכיבים תזונתיים בלתי ידועים",
he => "מרכיבים תזונתיים בלתי ידועים",
nl => "onbekende voedingsstoffen",
nl => "onbekende voedingsstoffen",
entry_dates_s => {
fr => "Date d'ajout",
en => "Entry date",
entry_dates_p => {
fr => "Dates d'ajout",
en => "Entry dates",
last_edit_dates_s => {
en => "Last edit date",
fr => "Date de dernière modification",
last_edit_dates_p => {
en => "Last edit dates",
fr => "Dates de dernière modification",
nutrition_grades_s => {
en => "Nutrition grade",
fr => "Note nutritionnelle",
nutrition_grades_p => {
en => "Nutrition grades",
fr => "Notes nutritionnelles",

Line 5,095: Line 5,177:
he => "חיפוש",
he => "חיפוש",
nl => "Zoeken",
nl => "Zoeken",
de => "Suchen",

Line 5,886: Line 5,967:
he => 'עם',
he => 'עם',
nl => "Met",
nl => "Met",
de => "Mit",

Line 5,898: Line 5,978:
he => 'ללא',
he => 'ללא',
nl => "Zonder",
nl => "Zonder",
de => "Ohne",

Line 6,377: Line 6,456:
ro => "Nume",
ro => "Nume",
nl => "Namen",
nl => "Namen",
de => "Namen",

Line 7,198: Line 7,276:

points_ranking_users_and_countries => {
en => "Ranking of contributors and countries",
fr => "Classement des contributeurs et des pays",
points_ranking => {
en => "Ranking",
fr => "Classement",
openfoodhunt_points => {
en => "It's <a href=\"/open-food-hunt-2015\">Open Food Hunt</a> on Open Food Facts from Saturday February 21st 2015 to Sunday March 1st 2015! Contributors are awarded
Explorer points for products they add and Ambassador points for new contributors they recruit. Points are updated every 30 minutes.",
fr => "C'est l'<a href=\"/open-food-hunt-2015\">Open Food Hunt</a> sur Open Food Facts du samedi 21 février 2015 au dimanche 1er mars 2015 ! Les contributeurs reçoivent
des points Explorateurs pour les produits qu'ils ajoutent, et des points Ambassadeurs pour les nouveaux contributeurs qu'ils recrutent. Les points sont mis à jour toutes
les 30 minutes.",
points_user => {
en => "%s is an Explorer for %d countries and an Ambassador for %d countries.",
fr => "%s est un Explorateur de %d pays et un Ambassadeur de %d countries.",
points_all_users => {
en => "There are Explorers for %d countries and Ambassadors for %d countries.",
fr => "Il y a des Explorateurs de %d pays et des Ambassadeurs de %d countries.",
points_country => {
en => "%s has %d Explorers and %d Ambassadors.",
fr => "%s a %d Explorateurs et %d Ambassadeurs.",
points_all_countries => {
en => "There are %d Explorers and %d Ambassadors.",
fr => "Il y a %d Explorateurs et %d Ambassadeurs.",