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Data fields: Difference between revisions

1,956 bytes added ,  10 January 2024
+ Photos and data check
m (→‎Traces: Grammar)
(+ Photos and data check)
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=== Missing value ===
=== Missing value ===
When th nutrition facts table is missing some values, enter the "-" (hyphen symbol) for that field. For example the '''''Fiber''''' value is sometime missing.
When the nutrition facts table is missing some values, enter the "-" (hyphen symbol) for that field. For example the '''''Fiber''''' value is sometime missing.
== Photos and data check ==
At the end of the page, there is a specific section called "Photos and data check", documented as follow:
"Product pages can be marked as checked by experienced contributors who verify that the most recent photos are selected and cropped, and that all the product data that can be inferred from the product photos has been filled and is correct."
When <code>[x] Photos and data checked</code> is checked, Product Opener save the following data into the database:
* the value <code>on</code> in the field <code>checked</code>
* the last checked date (Unix timestamp format) into <code>last_checked_t</code>. Eg. <code>last_checked_t: 1704906819</code>.
* the last user who checked the product into <code>last_checker</code>. Eg. <code>last_checker: benbenben</code>.
* the users who have checked the products are stored in the field <code>checkers_tags</code>. Eg. <code>checkers_tags: ["benbenben","stephane"]</code>.
When <code>[x] I checked the photos and data again</code> is checked, Product Opener update the following data:
* the last checked date (Unix timestamp format) into <code>last_checked_t</code>.
* the last user who checked the product into <code>last_checker</code>.
* the users who have checked the products are stored in the field <code>checkers_tags</code>.
When a product is checked, this information is given on the product page, in the '''Data sources''' section, eg. "Last check of product page on January 10, 2024, 6:13:39 PM CET by charlesnepote".
These data can also be retrived via the API.
It's possible to explore the checked products with the dropdown menu "Explore products by...", selecting "Last checked dates", leading to the page: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/last-check-dates
It's possible to combine facets, for example, to get last checked dates of the TOP-1000 products in a country, eg. https://world.openfoodfacts.net/popularity/top-1000-fr-scans-2022/last-check-dates