Accessibility/Blind people

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 11:31, 22 June 2020 by Teolemon (talk | contribs)
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Open Food Facts is an opportunity to bring the blind at the same level of non-blind in terms of choosing food products. Few food products have Braille markings . How can I be sure of the product then?

Things to do on our side

ProductOpener (web)

  • Test and make the web site accessible and compatible with accessibility systems
  • Use OCR when no data is available yet

Mobile apps

  • Make all the mobile versions speech enabled (already done for Android) and compatible with system-wide accessibility systems
  • generalize Moodstocks recognition to all platforms because the blind can not easily find the barcode by themselves
  • Improve the Hololens app to make it a gateway to products for blind people (voice synthesis when scanning a barcode)

Community Outreach / Content

  • Communicate with the blind associations in all countries for feedback and to promote OpenFoodFacts
  • Mention products including Braille marking
  • Mention accessible brands

Existing Initiatives (France)