Transportation distances

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 08:32, 1 April 2021 by Aleene (talk | contribs) (Added formula)

OFF can inform the user on distances involved in the consumption of food. This already partially done by the MadeNearMe website. This can be extended and better integrated within OFF itself. And not only the distance can be added, but also the implied CO2 impact.

The idea is based on the Transportation part of the ecoscore.


Unfortunately the information on packaging does not allow us to make exact calculations: most of the required information is lacking. If we are fortunate we have the location of the production. With the location of consumption we could calculate the exact distance thanks to OpenStreetMap (or Google Maps). However we do not know anything about the logistical route the product took between the two locations. So accuracy to the kilometer is impossible. We need to take averages.

So we need to make some assumptions:

  • population based: take into account the population size of a region to get better estimates;
  • simple logistical country chain: make assumptions how a product is transported between countries. Go from a local production level to the country production center, to the consumption country center to the local consumption level. This also makes the calculations easier;
  • NUTS: use the EU statistical regions. Depending on the required accuracy, it is possible to select a specific NUTS-level. We can start with NUTS-1;
  • Google Maps distances: use Google Maps to calculated distances. These seem to be more trustworthy than the OpenStreetMap distances;
  • Fallback: if specific locations are not available, it is possible to fall back to country averages;
  • Ingredients: integrate the transport impact of the ingredients as already defined by the ecoscore;


What do we want to calculate? Just the distances? Or also the CO2-impact?

What distances do we take? By road? By boat? Or a mix? And if both are possible, when do we use one or the other?

If we calculate the COSubscript text2-impact we need to make additional assumptions.

For the purpose of emphasising the (total) distance traveled by product and its ingredients, we should stay with the distances. We can use a 2000 km cutoff limit for transport by road, below we use road, above we use boat.


Distancetotal = Distanceingredients + Distancewholesale + Distancedistribution

The total distance formula consists of three parts:

  • ingredients: the transportation of the ingredients to the production site;
  • wholesale: the transportation of the finished product to the seller;
  • distribution: the transportation from the reseller to the consumer;