Country Support - Taiwan

From Open Food Facts wiki
Revision as of 11:27, 22 February 2022 by Charlesnepote (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "National stores" to "Supermarket chains")

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Food categories


Industry labels

Public & Independent labels

Religious labels


Traffic light systems and others

Food Scandals

Consumer Organisations


National food companies

Independant brands

Distributor brands

Supermarket chains

Geographic food origins databases

Local databases of interest

  • UNII in the US

Open Food Facts like websites and apps


Communities we can reach out to

  • Facebook groups (local food, slow food, non-GMOs, organic…)
  • Meetups
  • Industry events

OCR support

  • List generated from OFF products in the country
  • freely available list

Local App Stores

Local OFF contributor missions