Open Food Facts Days 2023

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Our community days are back on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of October 2023 in Paris, France

Each year, we dedicate a weekend to the Open Food Facts community and it is a very special time. Why ? First of all, because Open Food Facts wouldn’t exist without its community members, in various corners of the world, who are contributing daily with food products data, but also their skills in coding, translation, communication, networking (to name just a couple) and their time.

Secondly, we get to meet each other in person, human to human, not through a screen.

Thirdly, this time together is for dreaming, generating ideas and solutions for how to make them become a reality and empower more people to make more informed food decisions for their health & that of our planet !

Last year, we were very thankful to the AcadĂŠmie du Climat / City of Paris, who let us use 3 of their spaces free of charge (one of which is particularly special as it used to be the Wedding Hall of the former Mairie/ town hall)!

This year, they are welcoming us once again! 💫

Join us for 2 exciting days of fellowship & creativity around the Open Food Facts food revolution!

Take a look at our 2022 edition here

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of October 2023 in Paris, France

Programme here (still in progress):