Category/Peach juices

From Open Food Facts wiki

Peach juices contain pulp and juice from peaches (wikipedia). EU legislation requires a minimum of 99% peach fraction.

The category has been subdivided in Squeezed peach juices, for juices that come straight from peaches, and Peach juices from concentrate for juice that has been first dehydrated and later hydrated.


Required ingredients

Optional ingredients

Some popular additional ingredients:

  • potassium metabisulphite (E224) as preservative
  • (E225)

Disallowed ingredients

  • any other fruit

Production process/labels

The most important labels:

Nutritional information

10% 90%
Energy (kJ/100ml) 84 243
Fat (%) 0 0.5
Saturated fat (%) 0 0.1
Carbohydrates (%) 5 14
Sugars (%) 4.2 13.7
Fiber (%) 0 0.5
Proteins (%) 0 0.6
Salt (%) 0 0.03
Fruit (%) 100 100


Nutriscore C with nutritional values between 3 and -5.

Related categories

  • When the product contains more than 99% peach, it can be found under Peach juices.
  • Products with less than 50% peach as only fruit can be found under Peach-based beverages.
  • Products that contain multiple other fruits can be put under Multifruit nectars of Multifruit juices.
