
From Open Food Facts wiki

A property, with an associated value, expresses the state or the behavior of a product. Eg. for the product 0523776898787 the color (property) is blue (the value).

Open Food Facts allows any kind of users to create their own properties or reuse existing ones (see the Folksonomy Engine project).

Search for properties

On the following search box, you can search for properties you want: <inputbox> type=fulltext prefix=Folksonomy/Property placeholder=Enter a keyword </inputbox>

List of documented properties

This is the list of current documented properties. To be added to this list, a property:

  • must have its dedicated page beginning by /Folksonomy/Property/
  • must be included into the category "Property" (the list below is just a view of this category)

(A more detailed list will come in october 2021.)

<categorytree mode="pages">Property</categorytree>