Going Global Team

From Open Food Facts wiki

Goal 🎯

Let as many different nationalities benefit from the Open Food Facts database in their native language! 🌎

Needs / Missions

Tools 🛠

Translation wikipage Translations using Crowdin (https://translate.openfoodfacts.org) and the online taxonomy translation system
Taxonomies wikipage Enhancing taxonomies for your language or country (food labels, food categories, ingredients…)
How to get started on Crowdin A quick tutorial to start your first translation on Crowdin
Communication team wikipage 🎁 Coordinating with the communication team to ensure media coverage in new countries
Country coordination wikipages There might already be one for your country. If not, use our template to get started

Helping maintain our localized social media channels 📣

Team referent

Pierre : pierre@openfoodfacts.org

Connect with other members

On the Forum category Going Global.

On the Slack : following channels - #going-global

You're also welcome to join the monthly e-meeting that takes place every 3rd Tuesday at 6pm CEST (Paris time): https://meet.google.com/sga-vtsr-cid

For convenience, you can subscribe to the Community Calendar: Events to get a monthly reminder

Perks of being a volunteer at Open Food Facts

⭐ Collective action / Impact / actively contributing to citizen science !

⭐ Highlighting global impact / individual impact (through testimonials, invites)

⭐ Developing skills, learning new ones

⭐ Events (annual Open Food Facts days, meet-ups…)

⭐ Goodies

⭐ LinkedIn volunteer badge / recommendations

Other teams

How can I join a specific team ? Fill out the Contributor Skill Pool.

Main page of HOW TO HELP.