Operation Toothpaste - Starting point assessment - Feb 2020

From Open Food Facts wiki


Current state assessment of OBF data, website, and app, in direct relation to the objectives and needs of Project - Operation Toothpaste

Start date: Feb. 1st 2021


Each cell contains: - Number of products on https://fr.openbeautyfacts.org/ - (products with ingredients completed)

Category 1-Feb-21 26-Feb-21
toothpastes (with ingredients) 221 (73) 483 (325)
mouthwashes (https://fr.openbeautyfacts.org/categorie/bains-de-bouche with ingredients) 2 (1) 52 (30)

Ingredients Analysis

2021-02-01 2021-02-03 (taxonomy update and reprocess)
FR - toothpastes
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	99 (22.50%)	597 (42.40%)
unknown	341 (77.50%)	811 (57.60%)
all	440 (100.00%)	1408 (100.00%)
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	155 (21.50%)	2829 (60.35%)
unknown	566 (78.50%)	1859 (39.65%)
all	721 (100.00%)	4688 (100.00%)
FR - all products
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	604 (3.61%)	9629 (7.94%)
unknown	16114 (96.39%)	111585 (92.06%)
all	16718 (100.00%)	121214 (100.00%)
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	689 (4.35%)	38544 (33.48%)
unknown	15138 (95.65%)	76593 (66.52%)
all	15827 (100.00%)	115137 (100.00%)
World - all products
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	815 (2.69%)	18791 (10.88%)
unknown	29538 (97.31%)	153941 (89.12%)
all	30353 (100.00%)	172732 (100.00%)
Type	Unique tags	Occurrences
known	809 (2.69%)	55222 (30.89%)
unknown	29274 (97.31%)	123540 (69.11%)
all	30083 (100.00%)	178762 (100.00%)


Open Beauty Facts website

Open Beauty Facts app

Cordova app (current public app)

  • Scanning and contributing photos works fine
  • Displays only information relevant to cosmetics (e.g. ingredients of interest)

New Android app (internal beta)

  • Displays food data: Nutri-Score, NOVA and Eco-Score
  • Small bug: Navigation bar disappears after opening the ingredient analysis web view and getting back to the app

New iOS app (?)