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Translations - Front page - Spanish: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Go back to the main Translations page. <pre> <h1>Open Food Facts</h1> <p>Ayúdanos a reunir información (ingredientes, datos nutricionales etc.) sobre los productos ...")
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<h1>Open Food Facts</h1>  
<h1>Open Food Facts</h1>  

<div style="float:right;width:300px;margin-left:20px;margin-bottom:20px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #cbe7ff;background-color:#f0f8ff;">
<a href="http://whatsinmyyogurt.com/">
<img id="og_image" src="/images/misc/yogurt-300x225.png" width="300" height="225" alt="What's in my yogurt?" />
<p>Let's open yogurts from all around the world!
<a href="http://en.blog.openfoodfacts.org/news/open-food-facts-launches-the-what-s-in-my-yogurt-project-on-open-data-day">On Open Data Day 2014,</a>
Open Food Facts launches the <a href="http://whatsinmyyogurt.com/">What's in my yogurt?</a> project.</p>

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<h2>Últimos productos añadidos :</h2>  
<h2>Últimos productos añadidos :</h2>  
<p>&rarr; <a href="/estado/a-completar">productos que están siendo añadidos/a> (en particular los productos añadidos a través del iPhone, Android y Windows Phone apps)</p>
