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Reusing Open Food Facts Data: Difference between revisions

Convert TSV to CSV
(Merging delta exports documentation)
(Convert TSV to CSV)
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==== csvkit tips ====
==== csvkit tips ====
[https://csvkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ csvkit] is a very efficient tool to manipulate huge amounts of CSV data. Here are some useful tips to manipulate Open Food Facts CSV export.
[https://csvkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ csvkit] is a very efficient tool to manipulate huge amounts of CSV data. Here are some useful tips to manipulate Open Food Facts CSV export.
''Converting whole Open Food Facts "CSV" export to regular CSV''. Open Food Facts export use tabs as separator: it should be called TSV (tab separated values) instead of CSV (comma separated values). <code>csvkit</code> can convert TSV file into CSV very easily:
<code>$ csvclean -t en.openfoodfacts.org.products.csv > myCSV.csv</code>

''Selecting 2 column''s. Selecting two or three columns can be useful for some usages. Extracting two columns produce a smaller CSV file which can be opened by common softwares such as Libre Office or Excel. The following command creates a CSV file (brands.csv) containing two columns from Open Food Facts (code and brands). (It generally takes more than 2 minutes, depending on your computer.)
''Selecting 2 column''s. Selecting two or three columns can be useful for some usages. Extracting two columns produce a smaller CSV file which can be opened by common softwares such as Libre Office or Excel. The following command creates a CSV file (brands.csv) containing two columns from Open Food Facts (code and brands). (It generally takes more than 2 minutes, depending on your computer.)