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Reusing Open Food Facts Data: Difference between revisions

List all fields used in the database
(Add MongoDB dump section)
(List all fields used in the database)
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# Official csv export fields are coming from @export_fields variable in /lib/ProductOpener/Config_off.pm
# Official csv export fields are coming from @export_fields variable in /lib/ProductOpener/Config_off.pm
mongoexport -d off -c products --type=csv --fieldFile official_csv_export_fields.txt -q '{"countries_tags": "en:germany"}' --limit 5 --quiet
mongoexport -d off -c products --type=csv --fieldFile official_csv_export_fields.txt -q '{"countries_tags": "en:germany"}' --limit 5 --quiet
==== List all fields used in the database ====
# Open Food Facts database contains hundreds of fields.
# An easy way to list them all is to use "variety" Schema Analyzer
# 1. Install "variety"
git clone https://github.com/variety/variety.git
# 2. Use it
cd ./variety
# Analyzing can be very long (hours). You can restrict the analysis to a small number
time mongo off --eval "var collection = 'products', limit = 1000" variety.js > off_schema_1000.txt
# (17 s)
time mongo off --eval "var collection = 'products', limit = 10000" variety.js > off_schema_10000.txt
# (3 minutes)
