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392 bytes added ,  30 January 2023
ADEME Faq on food environmental display
(Na'stras addition)
(ADEME Faq on food environmental display)
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== 2023-01 ==
== 2023-01 ==

* 2023-01-30 - ADEME has published a very interesting FAQ (in french) about environmental display on food products. [https://expertises.ademe.fr/economie-circulaire/consommer-autrement/passer-a-laction/reconnaitre-produit-plus-respectueux-lenvironnement/dossier/laffichage-environnemental/affichage-environnemental-secteur-alimentaire-experimentation-20202021 Find it in this page (french).]
* 2023-01-30 - Do you want to learn more about our food packaging operation? [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages I'm a citizen πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/plein-pot-fabricants I'm a producer 🏭] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/plein-pot-presse I'm a journalist πŸ—žοΈ]
* 2023-01-30 - Do you want to learn more about our food packaging operation? [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages I'm a citizen πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/plein-pot-fabricants I'm a producer 🏭] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/plein-pot-presse I'm a journalist πŸ—žοΈ]
* 2023-01-25 - Open Food Facts will be at the [https://www.gruenewoche.de/en/ International Green Week] (an international exhibition of the food, agriculture and gardening industries) in Berlin from 25-27th January.
* 2023-01-25 - Open Food Facts will be at the [https://www.gruenewoche.de/en/ International Green Week] (an international exhibition of the food, agriculture and gardening industries) in Berlin from 25-27th January.
