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623 bytes added ,  7 March 2023
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== 2023-03 ==
== 2023-03 ==

* 2023-03-04 - Open Food Facts will be present at the '''Salon de l'Agriculture 2023 ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฎ''' in Paris (Porte de Versailles) on the stand of [https://presse.ademe.fr/2023/02/salon-international-de-lagriculture-lademe-au-rendez-vous.html ADEME] (Hall 4, B 155); a workshop will be held in the afternoon on food packaging (with our joint project "[https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/join-the-tackling-food-packaging-operation Tackling Packaging]" / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages Plein pot sur les emballages]). We'd be delighted to see you if you are at the exhibition ! ย 
* 2023-03-07 - The pro platform gets a new look! ๐Ÿ˜Ž Discover the top features and updates in this blog article. Interested to join the food transparency movement? Contact us: [mailto: producers@openfoodfacts.org producers@openfoodfacts.org]
* 2023-03-04 - Open Food Facts will be present at the '''Salon de l'Agriculture 2023 ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿฎ''' in Paris (Porte de Versailles) on the stand of [https://presse.ademe.fr/2023/02/salon-international-de-lagriculture-lademe-au-rendez-vous.html ADEME] (Hall 4, B 155); a workshop will be held in the afternoon on food packaging (with our joint project "[https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/join-the-tackling-food-packaging-operation Tackling Packaging]" / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages Plein pot sur les emballages]). We'd be delighted to see you if you are at the exhibition!

== 2023-02 ==
== 2023-02 ==

* 2023-02-24 - we started an [https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-infrastructure/pull/189 infrastructure operation to upgrade some of our production server]. We reinstall one of the server, meanwhile the MongoDB instanced has been temporarily moved to a virtual server kindly hosted by Open Street Map France. If you see particular issues those month, [https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-infrastructure/issues/ report them], also thank you in advance for your patience. ย 
* 2023-02-24 - we started an [https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-infrastructure/pull/189 infrastructure operation to upgrade some of our production server]. We reinstall one of the server, meanwhile the MongoDB instanced has been temporarily moved to a virtual server kindly hosted by Open Street Map France. If you see particular issues those month, [https://github.com/openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-infrastructure/issues/ report them], also thank you in advance for your patience. ย 
* 2023-02-16 - Pierre Slamich and Manon Corneille attended the conference โ€œTowards a harmonised ecolabel in Europeโ€ in The Hague ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Check out their key takeaways in this [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/discussions-on-a-harmonised-ecolabel-at-european-level-the-debate-is-moving-forward blog article]!
* 2023-02-07 - The '''monthly data quality meeting''' is taking place every first Monday of the month, at 6 PM CET (see [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_9d0e7fc68f19f64fd91f60ac1936a0364750ec868272cefeb57464dba0ef906c@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Paris public calendar]). You can have a look to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hSOe31BQMaP9q8Qc91-iLhOJe2MZNF5M-LfOxZn0-zs/ meeting notes]. Join #quality-data on our Slack space if you want to join the effort!
* 2023-02-07 - The '''monthly data quality meeting''' is taking place every first Monday of the month, at 6 PM CET (see [https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_9d0e7fc68f19f64fd91f60ac1936a0364750ec868272cefeb57464dba0ef906c@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Paris public calendar]). You can have a look to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hSOe31BQMaP9q8Qc91-iLhOJe2MZNF5M-LfOxZn0-zs/ meeting notes]. Join #quality-data on our Slack space if you want to join the effort!
* 2023-02-05 - Open Food Facts will participate in a round table at [https://numali.unistra.fr/websites/misha/numali/transition-numerique-prog-web.pdf digital transition and food transition (fr)] organized by Strasbourg University (France).
* 2023-02-05 - Open Food Facts will participate in a round table at [https://numali.unistra.fr/websites/misha/numali/transition-numerique-prog-web.pdf digital transition and food transition (fr)] organized by Strasbourg University (France).
* 2023-02-03 - Open Food Facts will present the projet "Plein pot sur les emballages" to a professional audience in a webinar organised by the [https://www.ilec.asso.fr/ organisation ILEC]
* 2023-02-03 - Open Food Facts will present the project "Plein pot sur les emballages" to a professional audience in a webinar organised by the [https://www.ilec.asso.fr/ organisation ILEC]

== 2023-01 ==
== 2023-01 ==

* 2023-01-30 - ADEME has published a very interesting FAQ (in french) about environmental display on food products. [https://expertises.ademe.fr/economie-circulaire/consommer-autrement/passer-a-laction/reconnaitre-produit-plus-respectueux-lenvironnement/dossier/laffichage-environnemental/affichage-environnemental-secteur-alimentaire-experimentation-20202021 Find it in this page (french).]
* 2023-01-30 - ADEME has published a very interesting FAQ (in french) about environmental display on food products. [https://expertises.ademe.fr/economie-circulaire/consommer-autrement/passer-a-laction/reconnaitre-produit-plus-respectueux-lenvironnement/dossier/laffichage-environnemental/affichage-environnemental-secteur-alimentaire-experimentation-20202021 Find it in this page (french).]
* 2023-01-30 - Do you want to learn more about our food packaging operation? [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages I'm a citizen ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/plein-pot-fabricants I'm a producer ๐Ÿญ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/plein-pot-presse I'm a journalist ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ]
* 2023-01-30 - Do you want to learn more about our food packaging operation? [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/rejoignez-loperation-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages I'm a citizen ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/fr/plein-pot-fabricants I'm a producer ๐Ÿญ] / [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/open-food-facts-et-lademe-lancent-le-projet-plein-pot-sur-les-emballages I'm a journalist ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ]
* 2023-01-25 - Open Food Facts will be at the [https://www.gruenewoche.de/en/ International Green Week] (an international exhibition of the food, agriculture and gardening industries) in Berlin from 25-27th January. A summary of our experience [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/we-go-green-2-days-in-berlin-for-the-international-green-week here]
* 2023-01-25 - Open Food Facts will be at the [https://www.gruenewoche.de/en/ International Green Week] (an international exhibition of the food, agriculture and gardening industries) in Berlin from 25-27th January. A summary of our experience [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/we-go-green-2-days-in-berlin-for-the-international-green-week here]
* 2023-01-23 - We are [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/open-food-facts-is-looking-for-a-mobile-developer hiring a mobile developer] !
* 2023-01-23 - We are [https://blog.openfoodfacts.org/en/news/open-food-facts-is-looking-for-a-mobile-developer hiring a mobile developer] !