Producers' data: Difference between revisions

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(+ category "Open Food Facts policies and guidelines")
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* tags can also be updated by contributors (labels, countries, ...)
* tags can also be updated by contributors (labels, countries, ...)
* after one year, if the producer hasn't updated the product, all data can be modified by anyone
* after one year, if the producer hasn't updated the product, all data can be modified by anyone
[[Category:Open Food Facts policies and guidelines]]

Revision as of 16:39, 12 April 2022

Producers' data are welcome in Open food Facts and have a dedicated platform.

Thousands of producers already publish their data into Open Food Facts database.

see also Main page about Platform for producers

How to

You're a producer? You can enter yourself your products, see below.

You're a contributor? You can help and ask yourself data to the producers. We have a ready-to-use email to write to them. Either:

  • you can send it with your personal email
  • you can ask Open Food Facts team to use the support platform to let you send emails from (ask @Charles Nepote on slack)

Do's and don't

  • Producers' data should be the same as printed on the packaging.
  • Producers' data mustn't contain subjective data. Better taste label is prohibited, even if it's written on the packaging.

The poor and simple way

Every producer can add its products with a regular account, directly on Open Food Facts platform. If the producer has more than a dozen of products, it can become tedious, so we encourage producers to use our pro platform.

The better way

Even if the producer has few products, we recommend using the dedicated Open Food Facts Pro platform: (it's free!)

The Pro platform:

  1. allows to mass import and/or update products and their pictures in Open Food Facts (via Excel files, CSV, etc.)
  2. allows to compute food indicators such as Nutri-Score
  3. allows to control data before import: data errors are reported; each product page can be simulated
  4. identifies products enhancements: for example, a better Nutri-Score due to a small sugar or salt variation
  5. allows to protect qualified data from modifications during one year (products which passed data quality controls)

Special status for data send by identified producers

When producers send their data thanks to producer platform, they enter a special status. Data send by the producers are supposed to be the same as the data printed on the package, and the producer platform also show potential quality issues to the producers, so we use to trust these data. As a consequence:

  • data and pictures send by the producer are locked and protected from contributors modifications during one year; the data is controlled before import and products with quality control issues are not imported
  • data can still be modified by special roles on Open Food Facts platform: administrators and moderators
  • missing data can still be completed by any contributor
  • picture send by contributors are stored in the platform but not taken in account if the producer has sent one since one year
  • tags can also be updated by contributors (labels, countries, ...)
  • after one year, if the producer hasn't updated the product, all data can be modified by anyone