The potatoes category contains any product which only contains the plant Solanum tuberosum (wikipedia).
The category can be subdivided by the variety of the potato (i.e. Agata potatoes), its possible usage (for steaming), its PDO origin(Alto Viterbese), the harvest date (new), simple processing (peeled).
Currently a lot of subcategories are missing.
- Potato varieties:
- Agata potatoes;
- Charlotte potatoes;
- Jersey royal potatoes;
- Potato origins:
- Potato usages:
- Potatoes for steaming;
- Potato harvest times:
- Potato processing (simple):
Related categories
- Potato preparations, which contains ingredient combinations with potato as the basis and required additional processing before eating.
Required ingredients
Disallowed ingredients
Any other ingredient by definition
Nutritional values
Category needs reprocessing with the new taxonomy