Taxonomy implementation
An example taxonomy file is presented below to illustrate the formatting.
# stopwords stopwords:en: some,stopwords stopwords:fr: word,that,are,removed,when,matching # synonyms that are not field values but that are contained in field values synonyms:en: global, international en: value, a synonym value, another synonym value fr: valeur, une valeur synonyme, une autre valeur synonyme <en: value en: a child value, a synonym for a child value fr: une valeur enfant, un synonyme d'une valeur enfant <en: value en: another child value <en: a child value <en: another child value en: a grand-child value # properties en: value fr: valeur description:en: a property of value description:fr: french version of the property country_code:en: a property that is the same for all languages -> use English suffix en: wikidata:en:Q89
Each language has a 2-letter prefix. e.g. "en" for English and "fr" for French.
A value can be defined in another language (which becomes the canonical language), e.g. fr:soupes-a-l-oignon
could be the canonical value for "Onion Soups" if we don't have an English translation yet.
New values (e.g. categories that do not exist yet) should have an English canonical value.
When a field value needs to be translated to a target language, if the translation does not exist yet, English is shown (or the canonical language if the English translation does not exist either).